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By: U. Mannig, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Professor, University of South Alabama College of Medicine

Causative Agents Trypanosomes which cause nagana in cattle and sleeping sickness in humans are morphologically indistinguishable gastritis foods generic protonix 40mg with mastercard. Based on host specificity chronic gastritis can be cured purchase protonix paypal, clinical manifestations, geographic distribution and epidemiological features they were originally classified into three species: T. Subsequently it was accepted that all the above should be considered as belonging to a single species called T. For example, the term nosodeme refers to trypanosome populations causing similar clinical patterns of disease, serodemes to those possessing similar antigens, zymodemes to those showing similar isoenzyme pattern, etc. The strain is incubated with oxalated human blood and then inoculated into the multimammate rat or other susceptible rodents. In vitro culture systems are now employed instead of rodents for testing infectivity. In the blood, three forms of trypanosomes are found, the long slender trypomastigote, a short broad form with the flagellum attenuated or absent and an intermediate form. In fresh blood films, they may be seen as colourless spindle-shaped bodies that move rapidly, spinning the red cells around. In smears stained with Giemsa or other Romanowsky stains, the cytoplasm appears pale blue and the nucleus red. When a vector tsetse fly feeds on a person with parasitaemia, it takes in the trypomastigotes along with its blood meal, particularly the short broad forms. These become long slender forms in the midgut and hindgut of the fly, where they proliferate and ultimately reach the salivary glands. Here they become broad epimastigotes which multiply and fill the cavity of the gland. The fly becomes infective when the epimastigotes become transformed into metacyclic trypomastigotes. It takes about 3 weeks from the time of the blood meal for the fly to become infective Flagellates 47 (extrinsic incubation period). The trypanosome remains extracellularly throughout its life cycle, both in the vertebrate and in the vector. It is possible that this may have a role in the pathogenesis of cerebral manifestations of the condition. There is a cyclical fluctuation in the trypanosomes in the blood of infected vertebrates. Besides this, trypanosomes have other mechanisms also helping them to evade host immune responses. Humans are the reservoir host and source of infection, though pigs and other domestic animals can act as chronic asymptomatic carriers of the parasite. During epidemics, the vector fly has been found to transmit the infection mechanically through its soiled proboscis when it bites a susceptible person soon after biting an infected person. There is an initial period of parasitaemia, following which they are localised predominantly in the lymph nodes. There is hepatosplenomegaly with lymphadenopathy particularly in the posterior cervical region. With the invasion of the central nervous system, which occurs after several months, the sleeping sickness stage starts. The meninges are heavily infiltrated with lymphocytes, plasma cells and morula cells which are atypical plasma cells containing mulberry shaped masses of IgA. This is followed by infiltration of the brain and spinal cord, neuronal degeneration and microglial proliferation. East African (Rhodesian) Sleeping Sickness this form of African trypanosomiasis is caused by T. Though the infection is usually transmitted by the vector from man-to-man, the disease is actually a zoonosis, with the reservoir being game animals such as the bush buck. East African trypanosomiasis is more acute than the Gambian form and may end fatally within a year of onset, before involvement of the central nervous system develops. Fever, weakness, rapid loss of weight and myocarditis are the usual manifestations. Mania and delusion may occur, but the typical sleeping sickness picture is seldom seen. Diagnosis Diagnosis is established by the demonstration of the trypanosomes in peripheral blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes or cerebrospinal fluid.

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In the competitive market of medical text publishing diet of gastritis discount protonix generic, only successful books survive gastritis on ct 20mg protonix with amex. Any textbook, more so, a medical one such as this, needs to be updated and revised from time to time. Yet the very task of revising Basic Ophthalmology presents a dilemma: how does one preserve the fundamental simplicity of the work while incorporating crucial but complex material lucubrated from recent research, investigations and inquiries in this ever expanding field. The idea is for the student to relate to the material; and not merely to memorize it mechanically for reproducing it during an examination. It is something I wish was available to me when I was an undergraduate student not too long ago. The past few years have witnessed not only an alarming multiplication of information in the field of ophthalmology, but more significantly, a definite paradigmatic shift in the focus and direction of ophthalmic research and study. The dominant causes of visual disabilities are no longer pathological or even genetic in nature, but instead a direct derivative and manifestation of contemporary changes in predominantly modern urban lifestyles. With posterior chamber intraocular lenses establishing themselves as the primary modality in the optical rehabilitation of patients undergoing cataract surgery, the emphasis has shifted from just visual rehabilitation to an early, perfect optical, occupational and psychological rehabilitation. When I initiated this project I scarcely realized that it only had toil, sweat and hard work to offer. Whenever anyone reminded me that I was working hard, my answer always was; I am trying to create something very enduring. In truth, it is a vivid reflection of my long lasting concern and affection for my students. All books are collaborative efforts and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have advised and encouraged me in this project: specially my husband Shri Ajit Jogi, my son Aishwarya, Amit and Dr Nidhi Pandey. By the grace of the Almighty God and with the continuing support of the teachers, I am happy to present the fourth updated edition of my book. A thickening appears on either side of the neural tube in its anterior part, known as the optic plate. The two eyes develop from these optic vesicles and the ectoderm and mesoderm coming in contact with the optic vesicles. The hyaloid artery enters through the fissure to provide nutrition to the developing structures. The inner layer of the optic cup forms the inner nine layers of the main retina and the outer layer develops into the pigment epithelium. The neural ectoderm secretes jelly-like structure, the vitreous which fills the cavity. The ciliary body and iris are formed by the anterior portion of the optic cup and mesoderm. The mesoderm around the cup differentiates to form the coats of eye, orbital structures, angle of anterior chamber and main structure of cornea. The mesoderm in front of the cornea grows in folds, unites and separates to form the lids. Pigment epithelium of iris Ciliary body epithelium Sphincter pupillae Dilator pupillae Melanocytes Neural part of optic nerve 1. Eyelids-They develop from both surface ectoderm and mesoderm Derivation of various ocular structures 2. Cornea is approximately 80% of its adult size, being fully grown at the age of 3 years. It is possible to see with only one eye, but three-dimensional vision is impaired when only one eye is used specially in relation to the judgement of distance. Sclera-The sclera or white of the eye forms the firm, fibrous outermost layer of the eye. It maintains the shape of the eye and gives attachment to the extraocular muscles. The sclera becomes thin (seive-like membrane) at the site where the optic nerve pierces it.

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Epidemiology of Hymenolepis nana infections in primary school children in urban and rural communities in Zimbabwe diet during acute gastritis protonix 20 mg visa. The diagnostic importance of species specific and cross-reactive components of Taenia solium gastritis symptoms bloating proven 20 mg protonix, Echinococcus granulosus, and Hymenolepis nana. Prevalencia de infecciуn por protozoos y helmintos intestinales en escolares de un sector costero de la provincia de Valdivia, Chile. Estudio epidemiolуgico de la infecciуn por Hymenolepis nana en la provincia de Ciego de Бvila, Cuba. Inermicapsifer is distinguished from Raillietina (see the chapter on Raillietiniasis) by its hookless (unarmed) scolex and sucker. The gravid segments, in which egg capsules take the place of a uterus, are longer than they are wide (in contrast to the nongravid segments, which are wider than they are long). Each gravid segment encloses 150 to 175 capsules 49 µm to 53 µm in diameter, each containing six or more eggs. Its life cycle is unknown, but by analogy to related parasites of the genus Raillietina, it is believed that an arthropod acts as intermediate host. Human cases have been recorded in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Thailand, and Venezuela. The highest number of cases (more than 100 up until 1949) has been recorded in Cuba, mainly in children 1 to 2 years old. Since 1989, two more cases have been reported in a Havana hospital (Gonzбlez Nъсez et al. The Disease and Diagnosis: the parasitosis is generally unaccompanied by clinical symptoms. To differentiate Inermicapsifer from Raillietina, the scolex of the cestode, which may be expelled spontaneously or following treatment, must be examined. Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission: the intermediate host is not known, but, by extension of what occurs in related genera, is probably an arthropod. The larval stage would develop in an arthropod that ingests cestode eggs deposited with the fecal matter of the definitive host (rodent or man). The cycle would be completed when the definitive host ingests an intermediate host infected with the larva. In Africa, the transmission cycle would be rodent-arthropod-rodent, and, rarely, rodent-arthropod-man. Outside the African continent, transmission would occur from human to arthropod to human. Control: Since the life cycle of the parasite and consequently the mode of transmission are unknown, the only preventive measures that can be recommended consist of rodent control and personal and environmental hygiene. The adult parasites measure 40 cm or longer and not more than 2 mm wide, with proglottids shaped like melon seeds, similar to those of Dipylidium caninum, but with each one having a single set of reproductive organs. The nomenclature of the genus is uncertain because there is a great deal of variation and the morphological characteristics are not well established. The definitive hosts are foxes, dogs, cats, and different species of wild carnivores. The first intermediate host may be a coprophagous arthropod that ingests the eggs of the gravid proglottids eliminated by the definitive host. Oribatid arthropods have been experimentally infected and have developed cysticercoids. The second intermediate hosts harbor a larval form known as tetrathyridium in the peritoneal or pleural cavities, liver, or lungs. Moreover, the tetrathyridium can multiply asexually in the host by dividing lengthwise. The intermediate hosts are mainly rodents, but also dogs, cats, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Some mammals, such as cats and dogs, can harbor both the adult cestode and the tetrathyridium. Just two human cases have been reported since 1989: one in the Republic of Korea (Eom et al. The limited space devoted to it by textbooks on veterinary medicine notwithstanding, infection caused by adult Mesocestoides in carnivores, especially red foxes, seems to be common. In endemic areas, peritoneal infection caused by tetrathyridia is common in domestic animals (Crosbie et al.

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With this vision he attempted to explain the formation of the universe as well as to elucidate the problems of evil gastritis diet protonix 40mg without a prescription, prayer gastritis symptoms lower back pain 40 mg protonix with visa, providence, prophecies, miracles, and marvels. Eighteen letters which ibn Sina sent to al-Biruni in answer to questions that he had posed are given. These letters cover topics 74 Muslim Scholars and Scientists such as philosophy, astronomy and physics. There is other correspondence from ibn Sina which has been preserved which has been surveyed in the article. The topics of these letters include arguments against theologians and those professing magical powers, and refutation of the opinions those who having a superficial interest in a branch of knowledge. Ibn Sina writes on certain topics in philosophy, and writes letters to students who must have asked him to explain difficulties they have encountered in some classic text. The authors of see ibn Sina as promoting natural science and arguing against religious men who attempt to obscure the truth. Hayes, London, Eurabia Puplishing, pp 196-7 75 Muslim Scholars and Scientists Omar Al-Khayyam (1044-1123 C. Persian mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, physician and poet, he is commonly known as Omar Khayyam. Khayyam means the tent-maker, and although generally considered as Persian, it has also been suggested that he could have belonged to the Khayyami tribe of Arab origin who might have settled in Persia. Little is known about his early life, except for the fact that he was educated at Nishapur and lived there and at Samarqand for most of his life. He travelled to the great centres of learn- ing, Samarqand, Bukhara, Balkh and Isphahan in order to study further and exchange views with the scholars there. The Seljuq Turks were tribes that invaded southwestern Asia in the 11th century and eventually founded an empire that included Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, and most of Iran. The Seljuq occupied the grazing grounds of Khorasan and then, between 1038 and 1040, they conquered all of north-eastern Iran. The Seljuq ruler Toghrпl Beg proclaimed himself sultan at Nishapur in 1038 and entered Baghdad in 1055. Khayyam studied philosophy at Naishapur and one of his fellow students wrote that he was. However, this was not an empire in which those of learning, even those as learned as Khayyam, found life easy unless they had the support of a ruler at one of the many courts. Even such patronage would not provide too much stability since local politics and the fortunes of the local military regime decided who at any one time held power. Khayyam himself described the difficulties for men of learning during this period in the introduction to his (Maqalat fi al-Jabr wa al-Muqabila) Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra (see for example):I was unable to devote myself to the learning of this algebra and the continued concentration upon it, because of obstacles in the vagaries of time which hindered me; for we have been deprived of all the people of knowledge save for a group, small in number, with many troubles, whose concern in life is to snatch the opportunity, 77 Muslim Scholars and Scientists when time is asleep, to devote themselves meanwhile to the investigation and perfection of a science; for the majority of people who imitate philosophers confuse the true with the false, and they do nothing but deceive and pretend knowledge, and they do not use what they know of the sciences except for base and material purposes; and if they see a certain person seeking for the right and preferring the truth, doing his best to refute the false and untrue and leaving aside hypocrisy and deceit, they make a fool of him and mock him. However Khayyam was an outstanding mathematician and astronomer and, despite the difficulties which he described in this quote, he did write several works including Problems of Arithmetic, a book on music and one on algebra before he was 25 years old. In 1070 he moved to Samarkand in Uzbekistan which is one of the oldest cities of Central Asia. There Khayyam was supported by Abu Tahir, a prominent jurist of Samarkand, and this allowed him to write his most famous algebra work, (Maqalat fi al-Jabr wa al-Muqabila) Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra from which we gave the quote above. Toghril Beg, the founder of the Seljuq dynasty, had made Esfahan the capital of his domains and his grandson Malik-Shah was the ruler of that city from 1073. An invitation was sent to Khayyam from Malik-Shah and from his vizier Nizam al-Mulk asking Khayyam to go to Esfahan to set up an Observatory there. Other leading astronomers were also brought to the Observatory in Esfahan and for 18 years Khayyam led the scientists and produced work of outstanding quality. It was a period of peace during which the political situation allowed Khayyam the opportunity to devote himself entirely to his scholarly work. During this time Khayyam led work on compiling astronomical tables and he also contributed to calendar reform in 1079. This sonar calndar become necessary in view of the revenue collections and other administrative matters that were to be per78 Muslim Scholars and Scientists formed at different times of the year.

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His discussion of philos90 Muslim Scholars and Scientists ophy is the most relevant to his position on science gastritis healing diet trusted 40mg protonix. Al-Ghazali stated that in his quest for true knowledge he started studying philosophy after he was done with `ilm al-kalam gastritis colitis diet buy discount protonix online, which did not provide "certain knowledge" (`ilm al-yaqin) he sought. In his introduction to the section on philosophy he outlined his approach to this new field. He wanted to pursue philosophy to a level higher than that of the most knowledgeable in the field. Only then, he argued, could one know the intricate depths of the science, as he referred to philosophy. For him, their books included fragmented philosophical words that were complex and contradictory to one another. Instead, he decided to read books of philosophy directly without the assistance of a teacher. Although he was teaching three hundred students at the Nizamiyyah of Baghdad and writing on the Islamic revealed sciences at the same time, in his spare time he was able to master philosophy in less than two years. As a result of his study he wrote two books: Maqasid alFalasifah (The Aims of the Philosophers) and Tahafut al-Falasifah (The Incoherence of the Philosophers). Of this objective, he said: "I thought that I should introduce, prior to the Tahafut, a concise account that will include the story of their aims (maqasid) which will be derived from their logical, natural and metaphysical sciences, without distinguishing between what is right and what is 91 Muslim Scholars and Scientists wrong, without additions and along with that they believed what they believed as their proofs. In Maqasid al-Falasifah, al-Ghazali divided the sciences of the philosophers into four major categories: mathematical (alriyadiyyat), logical (al-mantiqiyyat), natural (al-tabi`iyyat) and metaphysical (al-ilahiyyat). In alMunqidh min al-Dalal, he listed politics and ethics as major sections along with the first four. Regarding mathematics, al-Ghazali thought that it dealt with geometry and arithmetic. As a result, he did not think that he ought to include a detailed account of mathematics in his book. To the latter belongs mathematics and medicine, which al-Ghazali described as praiseworthy sciences. Nevertheless, al-Ghazali criticized unnecessary studies in mathematics that do not have practical applications. This means that the society at large would be committing a sin if they neglect any of these sciences to the degree the shortage would have negative impact on the society. In fact, he blamed the students of jurisprudence for their indulgence in minute details of the Shari`ah. The context indicates that they better study medicine instead of specializing in issues in jurisprudence that might never prove to be of any benefit. Al-Ghazali had fears that though geometry and arithmetic are permissible, they might lead a person to blameworthy sciences. It should be noted that this remark is atypical for al-Ghazali and does not reflect his general position regarding arithmetic, geometry and the exact sciences. The context itself might provide some insight as to why al-Ghazali was cautious in dealing with mathematics and the exact sciences. During his time, there were no compartmentalized studies, and every student learned all branches of knowledge. Al-Ghazali was afraid that a student might be deceived by the accuracy of mathematics and then generalize and consider all the subjects included in philosophy, including metaphysics, to be as accurate. In al-Mustasfa min `Ilm al-Usul, al-Ghazali stated that arithmetic and geometry are pure rational sciences that are not recommended for studying. They fluctuate between false, yet plausible guesses, and true knowledge that yields no practical applications. He knew that physics is concerned with substances and their properties, yet he stated that some of the input of the philosophers contradicted the Shari`ah. Regarding logic, he defined it as "the law (qanun) that distinguishes a sound premise and analogy from a false one, which leads to the discernment of true knowledge. If only one part could be different, then induction in this case could not yield true knowledge. Of relevance to the discussion here is his position on issue number seventeen, causality.