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By: C. Sinikar, M.S., Ph.D.

Co-Director, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine

While more fairness and justice would of course benefit society as a whole blood pressure high bottom number order 5 mg nebivolol mastercard, individual companies are not positioned to reap the rewards prehypertension uk purchase nebivolol 5mg otc. Entire business models, such as for-profit universities and payday loans, are built upon them. But the greatest number of them-the hourly workers and unemployed, the people dragging low credit scores through life-are poor. Indeed, all too often the poor are blamed for their poverty, their bad schools, and the crime that afflicts their neighborhoods. In the common view, the ills of poverty are more like a disease, and the effort-or at least the rhetoric-is to quarantine it and keep it from spreading to the middle class. We need to think about how we assign blame in modern life and how models exacerbate this cycle. Naturally, payday lenders and their ilk start off by targeting the poor and the immigrants. We already see this happening as mainstream banks invest in peer-to-peer loan operations like Lending Club. In many cases, after all, a loan officer or hiring manager would routinely exclude entire races, not to mention an entire gender, from being considered for a mortgage or a job offer. Automated systems, by contrast, stay stuck in time until engineers dive in to change them. If museums at the same time had codified the prevalent ideas of great art, we would still be looking almost entirely at work by white men, the people paid by rich patrons to create art. We have to explicitly embed better values into our algorithms, creating Big Data models that follow our ethical lead. Modern railroads brought in meat, vegetables, and canned goods from a continent away. Meatpackers worked twelve to fifteen hours a day in filthy conditions and often shipped toxic products. So after journalists like Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair exposed these and other problems, the government stepped in. It established safety protocols and health inspections for food, and it outlawed child labor. With the rise of unions, and the passage of laws safeguarding them, our society moved toward eight-hour workdays and weekends off. And while they no doubt raised the costs of doing business, they also benefited society as a whole. How do we start to regulate the mathematical models that run more and more of our lives Like doctors, data scientists should pledge a Hippocratic Oath, one that focuses on the possible misuses and misinterpretations of their models. Following the market crash of 2008, two financial engineers, Emanuel Derman and Paul Wilmott, drew up such an oath. Today, the success of a model is often measured in terms of profit, efficiency, or default rates. When people look for information about food stamps on a search engine, they are often confronted with ads for go-betweens, like FindFamilyResources, of Tempe, Arizona. But they also gather names and e-mail addresses for predatory advertisers, including for-profit colleges. They rake in lead generation fees by providing a superfluous service to people, many of whom are soon targeted for services they can ill afford. For Google, the click on the ad brings in a quarter, fifty cents, or even a dollar or two. The fact that people need food stamps in the first place represents a failing of the market economy. The government, using tax dollars, attempts to compensate for it, with the hope that food stamp recipients will eventually be able to fully support themselves.

Recognition of the lacunae in the existing knowledge base helps the identification of potential areas for future research and investigation by the wider scientific and academic communities arteria differential 2.5mg nebivolol visa. The deliberations and recommendations of experts in this important sphere carry much weight within the academic community heart attack referred pain best nebivolol 5mg, as well as with research funding bodies, international agencies and bilateral donors. The following recommendations for future research are based on the topics and issues that were identified during the more focused discussions at the preliminary working group sessions, and that were fed into the expert consultation, as well as on those identified by the experts themselves during the consultation. However, as the present expert consultation acknowledged, it is not enough to come up with a wish list of research topics without prioritizing what needs to be done. With resources becoming increasingly limited, the experts recognized that it would be futile either to outline research needs too broadly or to attempt to include every conceivable topic that may be relevant to the issues raised during their deliberations. The expert consultation recognized the need to make judgements on priorities when they stated: "We need to prioritize our recommendations so as not to dilute the strength of our requests. The first group consists of those biological questions whose answers will provide better numerical estimates of human requirements. The second group includes epidemiological and community studies aimed at testing the validity of the estimates in populations living in different environmental and social conditions, for which more general, and indeed more realistic, criteria of health and function are required than those that are used in metabolic or clinical investigations. This second group also includes questions that relate to the use of the recommended nutrient requirement estimates and their implications for planners and policy-makers at the national, regional and global levels. It is possible that aspects that are attributed to ethnicity may well be responses to early life exposure to suboptimal nutritional environments. It is therefore recommended that when ethnicity is researched and reported, additional information on history of nutritional status and/or environmental exposure in early life also be measured and reported. This phenomenon needs to be better understood, the physiological basis needs to be established and the plausible mechanisms involved need to be clarified. This discrepancy becomes more apparent when the intensity of an activity is increased. Given the shortage and inordinate expense of stable isotopes, it is necessary to invest more in accepted methodologies in order to broaden the database. New techniques should be accurate, precise, portable, cheap and appropriate for field-based studies worldwide. There is a need to update and expand the data bank on the energy cost of a range of activities undertaken in real-life conditions by children and adults, distinguishing weight-bearing from non-weight-bearing activities, and specifying whether energy cost refers to "net" activity or is integrated over tasks. More information is needed about the influence of habitual physical activity on the growth and development of all children and adolescents, and on the duration, intensity and frequency of the physical activity that is necessary to achieve optimal effects. More data are needed on variations in body composition of individuals in different population groups. There is a further need to develop methodologies for body size normalization when estimating the energy cost of different activities. The effect of the quality of dietary protein, carbohydrate and fat on rates of weight gain, particularly during the recovery period from malnutrition, needs to be understood better. Biological (and behavioural) studies are needed to help establish appropriate levels of energy intake during convalescence from such episodes. Nutrient needs for the rehabilitation of stunted children are also poorly understood. Information is needed on the energy intake and expenditure requirements for catch-up growth 68 Recommendations for future research in body mass and stature of stunted and undernourished children. Special nutrient requirements for catch-up growth of bones require further research. Factors affecting the dietary intake that is necessary to satisfy energy requirements should be explored, including diet digestibility, viscosity, and energy and nutrient density. Further research is needed to develop reliable analytical methods for resistant starches. Large numbers of children in developing countries have experienced repeated episodes of infections, which are often accompanied by a negative energy balance owing to decreased appetite and/or increased metabolic activity. Studies on the effects of infection on energy requirements of infants are limited, and should be expanded to cover a broad range of infectious agents of varying severity and duration. More qualitative and quantitative information is needed on the habitual physical activity of children and adolescents in developing societies. Anthropologists and other social scientists must be invited to participate in this endeavour, as information already exists in reports and monographs in the social sciences literature, and this should be analysed. Currently, there are major gaps in the knowledge regarding estimating the survival level of energy expenditure, and consequently the lower limits of emergency rations and food aid baskets, particularly in refugee settings.

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This creates the paradox of greater female empowerment accompanied by higher degrees of violence towards women arteria ovarica cheap nebivolol online master card, suggesting that educational empowerment alone is not proving sufficient for holistic and sustainable empowerment of women unless larger structures and norms are also changed heart attack one direction cheap nebivolol 2.5mg overnight delivery. Human trafficking refers to the entire system of modern day slavery that affects children, men and women, as well as sex-trafficking specifically which proportionately affects vulnerable populations of women and girls. Unfortunately the government is failing to make continued efforts to prosecute traffickers and those engaging in child sex tourism. In both degrees of gender-based violence, there is the problem of data obscured Page 231 because it lacks gender segregation, and a lack of reporting of crimes facing women. The project is still under review, but regardless of the result, such partnerships in evaluation help ensure the effectiveness of measures like this with high-impact on the lives of women and girls. This order recognizes that "gender based-based violence undermines not only the rights of the millions of individuals who experience it, but also the public health, economic stability, and security of nations. Some work to promote gender equality has been done in the region, but many organizations are simply giving communities aid while ignoring the larger structural issues within societies, between men and women and within the economic structure that lead to the oppressive inequalities. While the men and boys may spend some time nurturing infants, the gendered roles in the family cause women to care for children who become sick, often disrupting their routines and causing a deeper experience of poverty and this face of poverty induced by domestic responsibility is often ignored by policy-makers. To confront some of the issues facing the Oshikhandass community in the Karakorum region of Pakistan, a Water and Sanitation Committee was established. The representatives from the community were all males, although duties of sanitation and water obtainment are predominantly the roles of women. If the women would have been involved, however, the work would have likely been much more successful. Poverty reduction in "mountainous areas in developing- Page 233 country contexts must include a careful examination of how changes in livelihood systems, household structures, and social networks affect differentiation within gender positions. Education in Asia, which plays a major role in this process, is discussed in more detail in Chapter 9 of this Task Force. Outside of the home, positions of power in policy-making and community decision-making are keys to raising the agency of women in South Asia. The 2013 Global Gender Gap Report for India reported that although India is unique in having had a female head of state, ranking first in the world, it ranks past 100 for the number of women in parliament and the number of women in ministerial positions. These programs have seen Page 234 some success in empowering women in their homes and communities. Still, there is a common challenge of overcoming cultural and social norms enforced by parents. But as Chapter 11 explained, many gender based programs have a lifespan of only 3-5 years. Advances in gender equality and empowerment can enable: increased participation of women in economic activity leading to lower levels of extreme poverty, higher incomes for women with the resource to get adequate nutrition for themselves and their families, maternal education leading to higher primary enrollment in schools, equal access to property rights allowing women to manage natural resources in more sustainable ways, and empowerment leading to a higher demand for family planning, safe sexual practices, and malaria prevention. Chapters 6 and 9 of this Task Force have already touched on the importance of such development, particularly in the Page 235 region of Asia. As women are often the caregivers for children, increased health outcomes and education for mothers can change the odds for the next generation and set societies up for success. This will allow for gendered programming more on long-term, sustainable solutions, but still have the rigorous evaluation and progress monitoring that is required for programs such as developing and supporting community groups for the most vulnerable communities of women. By making any gender based program at least 5 years long, more sustainable and measurable change will be able to be achieved. One of the most sustainable methods of doing this is investing in building community groups for the most disadvantaged women. The disadvantage of such a long-term focus would be losing flexibility to allocate funds to areas of new crisis, and adaptation of programs to better-suited methods. This could be mitigated by raising the budget for gender programming, but with limited funds, long-term initiatives should be the priority, but flexibility is important to be maintained. Though each of these countries have distinct needs, a focused investigation of gender conditions in that context would provide for a greater understanding and cultural sensitivity in the region of Asia most vulnerable to extreme poverty and gender disparity. With programs primarily targeting gender, it would also be effective to focus in on certain communities, as the Millennium Villages project did, and work to holistically empower a community of women.

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The nontraditional portion of the course can involve activities that involve other forms of learning processes arrhythmia dizziness cheap nebivolol 2.5 mg on-line, developing a product or proposal arrhythmia dance company 5 mg nebivolol for sale, or working on a project. The time ratio between online and face-to-face activities are disparate from one instance to another and the optimal ratio is not clear. Courses deemed "hybrid" could run from 87% face-to-face down to 25% (Ranganathan, Negash, & Wilcox, 2007). Most authors tend to recommend 50% in-class and 50% online, but that appears to be more of a heuristic for scheduling courses on a block system than an empirically established optimal ratio. P a g e 98 Despite some confusion over precisely what hybrid courses involve, the approach has reached the milestone of having a well-known handbook dedicated to it (Bonk & Graham, 2012). Many authors seem to prefer the term "blended" (as in, blended learning) over "hybrid" as a way to make clear the goal is to create one larger learning experience that is comprised of some disparate activities and instructional methods, not just two mini-courses titled as one experience in parallel. The aim with "blended" courses is for something more symbiotic between the in-class and out-of-class activities to reach the learning objectives. Whether a course is called hybrid or blended, what are the perceived advantages of the format According to Graham (2006), instructors pick the hybrid format to (1) alter their pedagogical approach, (2) provide increased flexibility to students, and (3) increase cost effectiveness by distributing some of the learning activities outside of the classroom, reducing the reliance on existing facilities. Instructors may believe that moving away from direct instruction via lectures may improve their pedagogical approach. For example, Kenney and Newcombe (2011) attempted a hybrid course in the hope of creating a more active learning experience for a large lecture course. Others hope to produce higher grades and improve learning (Babb, Stewart, & Johnson, 2010; McKenzie et al. A greater sense of community can be fostered, at a level that students report as higher than in fully online courses (Dziuban, Moskal, & Hartman, 2005). Increased flexibility for students is particularly important if an instructor is hoping to provide increased access to nontraditional students who may already be working or have other obligations (Graham, 2006). Some authors see the combination of face-to-face instruction with online activities as providing the flexibility afforded by an online format with the personal connections from a traditional setting (Lamport & Hill, 2012), and giving students more chances to participate (Rovai & Jordan, 2004). Some authors believe that a hybrid format can ameliorate the known dropout problem that fully 100% online courses have (Brunner, 2006; Doorn & Doorn, 2014). It is possible that hybrid courses facilitate student performance, acting as a bridge to the more autonomous online format. In sum, hybrid/blended courses have provided interesting opportunities for faculty and students because of their ability to provide new instructional methods to meet existing learning objectives, to provide students with more flexibility, and to make offering courses more affordable. In the next section, I review what has been established about the effectiveness of hybrid courses on learning. What is not always made clear in hybrid-course research reports is whether the assessments being used to compare the conditions are kept standardized across formats. In itself, this does not indicate whether the hybrid benefit is an illusion or not: Online tests can have additional challenges above pencil-paper tests, including random selection and an inability to return to prior items. Without a standardized format of assessment, parceling out the causal factors of a performance benefit with hybrid-course learning is not possible. Another study found that students in a hybrid course were more likely to use online resources (Blackboard in this instance) and performed better (DeNeui & Dodge, 2006), implying that better use of the online resources encouraged better learning. In a small study, Akyol and P a g e 99 Garrison (2011) found evidence for deep conceptual learning by students in a hybrid class using a mix of qualitative and quantitative measures. Some studies found that the move to a hybrid format from face-to-face format provides similar learning outcomes with reduced face-to-face contact time with the instructor (Baepler, Walker, & Driessen, 2014; Ashby, Sadera, & McNary, 2011; Bowen, Chingos, Lack, & Nygren, 2014). In one study, the traditional face-to-face class did better on a final exam by 5%. As reported, the format for the exam may have varied by condition; the face-toface, hybrid, and online students were given different directions about the exam, with hybrid students specifically admonished not to work with others. In a comparison of introductory teacher education courses, final course grades were higher for an entirely online section than either hybrid or traditional formats (Reasons, Valadares, & Slavkin, 2005).

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