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By: E. Gamal, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine

The older workers were interviewed three times during their transition: once during unemployment acne 6 months postpartum discount generic eurax uk, once a week after they had found work and a last time when they were two months in employment skin care 90210 buy 20gm eurax with visa. In line with our expectations, the results show positive relationships between thriving on the one hand and extraversion and consciousness on the other hand, while a negative relation between thriving and neuroticism was found. Moreover, in accordance with our hypothesis, the findings suggest a positive relationship between thriving and self-perceived employability. Employability is an important concept, since employees are increasingly responsible for their own careers and for maintaining their job security. In the qualitative study we found that when individuals found work, their feelings of vitality increased drastically and immediately while feelings of learning did not emerge yet from the data when measured after 1 week in employment. Feelings of learning and development took some more time appear, but were present during the third measurement two months after they had started their jobs. These findings imply that thriving does indeed changes when the environment changes, extending previous research that investigated fluctuations within one working-day. In addition, the interviewees stressed the importance of two contextual features: a climate of trust and respect. The study demonstrated the importance of having the freedom to take decisions about their work influences their feelings of thriving. These findings imply that giving workers some degree of autonomy when it comes to decision on how to execute their tasks will lead more vitality and more learning, which is in turn beneficial for organizations. However, Chinese investments are strongly concentrated in a few European countries. This raises the question, which location factors are of importance for Chinese companies when taking their location decision in Europe. To analyze the research question, the paper is focusing on Austria as well as other small economies that are member states of the European Union. Methods are analysis of statistical data and expert interviews with Chinese companies with investments abroad, and interviews with other relevant experts. The analysis will on the one hand contribute to the understanding of how location decisions for foreign direct investments are conducted by Chinese companies. It has become the biggest hypermarket in retail industry in Indonesia with more than 80 stores. The vision of Hypermart business is to be the market leader in Hypermarket category in Indonesia. In order to achieve the desired vision, Hypermart needs persevere, discipline, and creative employees to give the highest quality of service to its customers. Job engagement has become an issue in a company where frontliners become critical players who play crucial role in delivering the service to customers. Employees from supervisors, department managers, and division managers in Hypermart stores are frontliners who always make direct contact with customers. It makes them feel attached to Hypermart and always try to maintain the company reputation wherever they are. This culture thus make employee has a strong organizational identification, especially those who are on supervisory and managerial level in Hypermart. This study aims to examine the impact of trust in supervisor, perceived external prestige and job satisfaction on job engagement which mediated by organizational identification, employeecustomer identification and customer orientation. This study found that perceived external prestige and job satisfaction have positive impact on job engagement which mediated by organizational identification and employee-customer identification. This job engagement is affected by the level of organizational identification and customer orientation. Furthermore, Employee customer identification can motivate the employees to build a close relationship with their customers. Thus, Hypermart management also should create programs to build closer relationship to the customers. When the employee customer identification is high, Hypermart employees will show higher level of job engagement. Hypermart management should also pay attention to build the employees in terms of job resource by giving more variety, autonomy, feedback to the job description of each employee. Hypermart management can also help their employees to increase their self-efficacy so employees will have more confidence in completing their work and will become more engage.


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The patient reader who has followed the argument so far might detect at this point a faint trace of circularity acne 6 months after giving birth purchase 20gm eurax free shipping. If attention acne webmd buy eurax 20gm fast delivery, or psychic energy, is directed by the self, and if the self is the sum of the contents of consciousness and the structure of its goals, and if the contents of consciousness and the goals are the result of different ways of investing attention, then we have a system that is going round and round, with no clear causes or effects. At one point we are saying that the self directs attention, at another, that attention determines the self. In fact, both these statements are true: consciousness is not a strictly linear system, but one in which circular causality obtains. An example of this type of causality is the experience of Sam Browning, one of the adolescents we have followed in our longitudinal research studies. At the time, he had no idea of what he wanted to do with his life; his self was relatively unformed, without an Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi / 35 identity of its own. Sam had no clearly differentiated goals; he wanted exactly what other boys his age are supposed to want, either because of their genetic programs or because of what the social environment told them to want-in other words, he thought vaguely of going to college, then later finding some kind of well-paying job, getting married, and living somewhere in the suburbs. He found the mysterious, beautifully dangerous environment so enchanting that he decided to become more familiar with it. He ended up taking a number of biology courses in high school, and is now in the process of becoming a marine scientist. He had not planned to have this experience; it was not the result of his self or his goals having directed attention to it. But once he became aware of what went on undersea, Sam liked it-the experience resonated with previous things he had enjoyed doing, with feelings he had about nature and beauty, with priorities about what was important that he had established over the years. Thus he built this accidental event into a structure of goals-to learn more about the ocean, to take courses, to go on to college and graduate school, to find a job as a marine biologist-which became a central element of his self. At first attention helped to shape his self, when he noticed the beauties of the underwater world he had been exposed to by accident; later, as he intentionally sought knowledge in marine biology, his self began to shape his attention. At this point, almost all the components needed to understand how consciousness can be controlled are in place. We have seen that experience depends on the way we invest psychic energy-on the structure of attention. These processes are connected to each other by the self, or the dynamic mental representation we have of the entire system of our goals. Of course, existence can also be improved by outside events, like winning a million dollars in the lottery, marrying the right man or woman, or helping to change an unjust social system. But even these marvelous events must take their place in consciousness, and be connected in positive ways to 36 / Flow our self, before they can affect the quality of life. The structure of consciousness is beginning to emerge, but so far we have a rather static picture, one that has sketched out the various elements, but not the processes through which they interact. We need now consider what follows whenever attention brings a new bit of information into awareness. Only then will we be ready to get a thorough sense of how experience can be controlled, and hence changed for the better. We give this condition many names, depending on how we experience it: pain, fear, rage, anxiety, or jealousy. All these varieties of disorder force attention to be diverted to undesirable objects, leaving us no longer free to use it according to our preferences. For instance, in a factory that produces audiovisual equipment, Julio Martinez-one of the people we studied with the Experience Sampling Method-is feeling listless on his job. As the movie projectors pass in front of him on the assembly line, he is distracted and can hardly keep up the rhythm of moves necessary for soldering the connections that are his responsibility. Usually he can do his part of the job with time to spare and then relax for a while to exchange a few jokes before the next unit stops at his station. From morning to quitting time tension keeps building, and it spills over to his relationship with his co-workers. One evening a few days earlier he noticed on arriving home from work that one of his tires was quite low. Julio would not receive his paycheck till the end of the following week, and he was certain he would not have enough money until then to have the tire patched up, let alone buy a new one. The factory was out in the suburbs, about twenty miles from where he lived, and he simply had to reach it by 8:00 A. The only solution Julio could think of was to drive gingerly to the service Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi / 37 station in the morning, fill the tire with air, and then drive to work as quickly as possible. After work the tire was low again, so he inflated it at a gas station near the factory and drove home.

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The justification of the one-sided analysis of cultural reality specific "points of conditioning - emerges view" - in our case with respect to its economic purely as a technical expedient from fact that training in the observation of the effects of qualitatively similar categories of causes and the repeated utilization of the same scheme of concepts and hypotheses {begrifflich-methodischen Apparates) offers all the advantages of the division of labor skin care clinic buy eurax online now. However principle - the "one-sidedness" history and the unreality of the purely ecois nomic interpretation of which is in general only a special case of a generally valid for the scientific knowledge of cultask of the discussiori to follow is i^ tural reality acne 3 step eurax 20gm for sale. The main to make explicit the logical foundations and the general methodological im- plications of this principle. The all reasons for this lie in the character of the cognitive goal of research in social science which seeks to transcend the purely formal treatment of the legal or conventional norms regulating social life. We wish to understand on the one hand the relationships and the cultural significance of individual events in their contemporary manifestations and on the other the causes of their being historically so and not otherwise. Now, as soon as we attempt to reflect about the way in which it life confronts us in immediate con- crete situations, presents an infinite multiplicity of successively and is coexistently emerging and disappearing events, both "within" and "outside" ourselves. The absolute infinitude of this multiplicity seen to remain undiminished even when our attention is focused on a single "object," for instance, a concrete act of exchange, as soon as we seriously attempt this an exhaustive description of all the individual components of plaining finite it "individual phenomena," to say nothing of exAll the analysis of infinite reality rests casually. It has often been thought that the decisive criterion in the cultural sciences, too, was in the last analysis, the recurrence of certain casual relationships. The "laws" the scientific- which we are able events must ally "essential" to perceive in the infinitely to this conception manifold stream of - according - contain as aspect of reality. Let us not, for our part, spare ourselves the trouble of examining these matters discussed. But it too concerns itself with the On question of the individual consequence which the working of these laws in an unique configuration produces, since configurations which are significant for us. As far back as off past, the reality to we may go into the grey mist of the farwhich the laws apply always remains equally from laws. Whereas in astronomy, the heavenly bodies are aspects, of interest to us only in their quantitative qualitative aspect of and exact the phenomena concerns {geistig) us in the social sciences. To this should be added that in the social sciences with psychological and intellectual we are concerned phenomena the empathic understanding of which ferent type in general itself is is naturally a problem of a specifically dif- from those which the schemes of the exact natural sciences can or seek to solve. Despite that, it this distinction first in not a distinction in principle, as seems at glance. Aside from pure mechanics, even the exact natural sciences do not proceed without qualitative categories. Especially insofar as the influence of (gestige) psychological and intellectual factors is concerned, it does not in any case exclude the establishment of rules governing rational conduct. Thereby, a sort not "mechanics" of the psychic foundations of social would be created. Whether such investigations can produce valuable and what is something else useful results for the culBut this would be irrelevant tural sciences, we cannot decide here. Let us assume that we have succeeded all by means of psychology or otherwise in analyzing the observed and imaginable classification of relationships of social elementary "factors," that phenomena into some ultimate we have made an exhaustive analysis and ering their behavior. As an analytical tool, it would be as useful as a textbook of organic chemical combinations would be for our knowledge of the biogenetic aspect of the animal and plant world. In each case, certainly an important and useful preliminary step would have been taken. The reason is that the analysis concerned with the configuration into which those (hypoto to "factors" are arranged historically form a cultural phenomenon us. This task must be achieved, it is true, by the utilization of the preliminary analysis but it is nonetheless an entirely new and distinct task. The tracing as far into the past as possible of the individual features of these historically evolved configurations significant, which are contemporaneously by antecedent and equally Finally the prea conceivable fourth and their historical explanation individual configurations would be the third task. We the have designated significance of a as "cultural sciences" those disciplines which analyze the phenomena the basis of this significance intelligible of life in terms of their cultural significance. Empirical reality becomes "culture" to us because and insofar as relate it we includes those segments and only those concrete segments of reality which have become significant to us because of this value-relevance. It alone is significant significant because it reveals relationships which are important to us due to their connection with our values. Only because and to the extent that this is the case is it worthwhile for us to know is it in its individual features. We cannot discover, however, what meaningful to us by means of a "presuppositionless" investigation of empirical data. The focus of attention on reaHty under the guidance of values which lend it significance and the selection and ordering of the phenomena which are thus affected in the light of their cultural significance is entirely different from the analysis of reality in terms of laws and general concepts. Neither of these two types of the analysis of reality has any necessary logical relationship with the other.

Keywords: Green and Smart Furniture acne 5 pocket jeans generic 20 gm eurax fast delivery, open innovation skin care over 50 order discount eurax on-line, industry-university relationships, new product development management, low-tech industries, furniture industry, entrance furniture. European Union is still one of the biggest manufacturers, traders and consumers of wooden products in the world (European Commission, 2013). During the period 2000-2007, furniture industry has known significant growth; however, the crisis of 2008 and a series of global rearrangements of the sectoral players with Asian producers to take the lead and big players to change the rules of the game. Furthermore, the continuing severe crisis in Greece intensifies the rather negative and risky efforts of Greek furniture manufacturers to survive. Companies need to develop specific capabilities and sense emerging opportunities which can be market or technology driven. An emerging field for innovation regards the growing concern related to the environmental consequences either in regard of production and transportation or raw materials and the use and disposal of produced goods during their lifecycle (Fankhauser et al. Therefore, furniture firms cannot afford to stay introvert and traditional; on the contrary the survivors will be the ones that will de-learn old habits and invest in knowledge, market and technology sensing as well as in co-operation with knowledge providers. The emerging innovation and the way of its achievement may constitute best practice at sectoral level and a basis for theoretical research on the specificities of academia-based innovation and its application by low-tech industries to relevant global markets. Changes were rather slow till the end of the previous century; combined with the prosperity of the sector till 2007, an illusion of stability did not allow Greek Furniture firms to prepare and confront the oncoming multilevel crisis. Unfortunately, even in this area, the Greek furniture sector has no reputation being overwhelmed by Italian, Spanish or Scandinavian design. Easier transport, competitors with lower prices (economies of scale), faster deliveries (advanced logistics) and established design threat to share the Greek market pie while export numbers show major weaknesses of Greek producers. Nowadays, environment is far from stable, especially when considering the Greek economic recession and its effects on furniture as durable goods and the collapse of building activity. Innovation and Furniture Product Development for Aging Users Aging populations are a major challenge for industries and firms, since they offer opportunities in regard of technical and social innovation and the emergence of niche markets. Innovative approach of the specific target group can turn apparent crises into opportunities (Kohlbacher & Herstatt, 2008) exploiting expectations and demands (Clark, Ogawa, Kondo, & Matsukura, 2010). Therefore, user-centered approaches can be transferred to furniture-centered ones enhancing the relationship between producers and users in the 1 Since 2001 Italy is however loosing share in favour of imports originating in China. Chinese made furniture destined for the Greek market registered in 2007 an increase of 78%, almost doubling its value, and an average annual growth rate of 55% between 2002 and 2007. Two major areas of innovation in furniture design in general have been recorded to be: Green furniture: co-furniture or "green" furniture is broadly defined as a product of furniture designed to minimize the environmental impact during its whole life-cycle (Albino et al. Several measures have tried to eliminate the negative features of wood-based products. Moreover, an emerging stream of research focuses on environmental friendliness of wood-based products and their production. However, to the best of our knowledge, eco-design has not been directly related to the specific group of aging population. Smart furniture: Smart or intelligent furniture is a quite novel approach to furniture innovation moving from transformable pieces of furniture to interactive furniture (Tokuda et al. For example, Ubiquitous Computing (UmpiComp) environments (Wuliji, 2009) have been developed to apply computing systems to our everyday living environment, making them at the same time"invisible" to the user (Weiser, 1993). Contrary to eco-furniture, smart furniture for elderly is a fast emerging field in both academic and practical level (Guennoun, and El-Khatib, 2009). At the same time this very furniture should provide the sustenance or even the vivification of the natural way of life and manageability by all possible users (elderly, children, people with special needs etc. The promotion of ecological innovation (eco-innovation) and its incorporation in the productive network of Greece as a main factor of growth and competitiveness. The encouragement of the networking to high tech industries and the shift to intelligent furniture (technological innovation) the further support of environmental protection and the rational management of forestal wealth (wooden furniture) A core aim of the project was the provision of best practices and new innovative strategic directions for the traditional sector of furniture, considering the fact that the sector is in a severe decline, due to the economic crisis and it faces serious problems of survival. The project was, to our best of knowledge, among the first worldwide to attempt the manufacture of a complete innovative furniture product which would be both smart and ecological. To our knowledge, efforts have focused in the exploitation of leading edge technologies in practical applications (home, office, class) parts of which are also the various pieces of furniture. This concept however overlooks the basic furniture design principles (ergonomics, aesthetics etc), disregards timber as an unfriendly material to adapt the multiple digital elements and is indifferent to the ecologic character of the products it creates.

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