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By: H. Goran, M.A., Ph.D.

Medical Instructor, Minnesota College of Osteopathic Medicine

Some of the greater environmental impacts from commerce result from the processes by which items are made medications made from animals order cytoxan overnight. Even when paper is discarded improperly treatment junctional rhythm purchase cytoxan 50 mg fast delivery, it does eventually degrade without permanent effect. But the process of making paper, beginning with harvesting of wood and continuing through the chemically intensive pulping process and final fabrication has significant environmental impact. In addition to potential air and water pollution, paper making consumes energy and requires large amounts of water. Processes can be made much more environmentally friendly by application of the principles of industrial ecology enabling maximum recycling of materials that otherwise have significant pollution potential. Toward a Greener Anthrosphere through Industrial Ecology 285 the impact of facilities can vary over a wide range. A specialized facility such as a steel mill or petroleum refinery can have a significant environmental impact. Abandoned sites of these facilities can be blighted and difficult and expensive to restore for some other use. The impact of facilities can be minimized by designing them with future use and eventual decommissioning in mind. Typically, well designed commercial buildings may have a number of lives in which they are used by a sequence of enterprises. A key aspect of a building destined for multiple use is structure flexibility so that it can easily be rearranged for new uses. ProductStewardship the control of the life cycle of products that are sold is difficult. Attempts are made to exercise some degree of control by facilitating return of spent products. For example, laser printer cartridges commonly come with a return address and postage to return the used cartridge to the manufacturer. The price of a new automobile battery may be increased to cover a modest refund paid upon return of the spent battery. Automobile tires have a financial disincentive for recycling in that the customer is commonly charged a disposal fee. Customers who install their own batteries usually turn in the old ones because they do not have a good disposal option. The return rate with printer cartridges is probably lower because people do not want to go to the trouble to mail them back. The rate of return of items at the end of their life cycles is higher in companies and institutions where returns are more readily facilitated. The presence in a large office of a recycled paper bin or an "out box" where returned laser printer cartridges can be dropped for mailing certainly increases the recycle rate of these items. One key to recycling is in productstewardship where there are clear lines of accountability for items and materials. A good way to ensure product stewardship for things such as office equipment is through the leasing of equipment. In such a case, the concern holding the lease, rather than the user, is responsible for the ultimate fate of the item. The same approach can even be used with some kinds of materials, such as activated carbon used in a water treatment plant. Here the concern leasing the carbon retains ownership and is responsible for picking up the spent material for recycling. Another way to help ensure product stewardship through the consumer sector is by charging deposits on items and refunding the deposit upon return for recycling. The first of these are consumable products which, by the nature of their use, are used up or dispersed to the environ ent with no possibility of recovery. Such m materials include laundry detergents that are flushed down the drain with washwater or windshield washer fluid, which is squirted onto windshields, then wiped off. Engine antifreeze and motor oil are potentially recyclable commodities in that, in principle (though somewhat rarely in practice), they can be reclaimed after use, purified, reformulated, and sold again. Service products (sometimes called durable products) are usually devices that have multiple uses and last for a long time.

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As examples medicine 2 times a day purchase cytoxan master card, structures constructed on poorly consolidated fill dirt are much more susceptible to earthquake damage than are those attached firmly to bedrock medicine 013 buy cytoxan 50 mg low cost, and the construction of dwellings in areas known to be subject to periodic volcanic eruptions simply means that unstoppable lava flows and other volcanic effects will be much more damaging when they occur. Other, less spectacular, but very destructive geospheric phenomena can be greatly aggravated by human activities. Destructive and sometimes life-threatening landslides, for example, often result from human alteration of surface soil and vegetation. Huge masses of rock may be locked relative to each other for as long as centuries, then suddenly move along fault lines. This movement and the elastic rebound of rocks that occurs as a result causes the earth to shake, often violently and with catastrophic damage. Over 1 million lives (out of a much lower global population than now) were lost by an earthquake in Egypt and Syria in 1201 A. During the latter 1990s and early 2000s, a number of fatalities resulted from earthquakes in Turkey, Greece, Taiwan, Iran, and India. Financial costs of earthquakes in highly developed areas are enormous; the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in California cost about 7 billion dollars. In addition to their direct shaking effects, earthquakes can cause ground to rupture, subside, or rise. Liquefaction of poorly consolidated ground, especially where groundwater levels are shallow, occurs when soil particles disturbed by an earthquake separate and behave like a liquid, causing structures to sink and collapse. One of the more terrifying effects of earthquakes are giant ocean waves called tsunamis that can reach heights of as much as 30 meters. On December 26, 2004, a huge earthquake off the coast of Sumatra generated a tsunami up to 30 meters high, killing more than 150,000 people in countries around the Indian Ocean. Earthquakes have defied all efforts to predict them, a fact that makes them all the more frightening. However, earthquake-prone areas, such as southern California, are well known, and loss of life and property can be minimized by taking appropriate measures. Buildings can be constructed to resist the effects of earthquakes using practices that have been known for some time. For example, some buildings in Niigata, Japan, were constructed to be earthquake-resistant in the 1950s. When a destructive earthquake hit that city in 1964, some buildings tipped over on the liquified soil but remained structurally intact! Volcanoes A volcano results due to the presence of liquid rock magma near the surface. Helens eruption in Washington State blew about 1 cubic kilometer of material into the atmosphere, killed 62 people, and caused about $1 billion in damage. In addition to their immediate effects upon surrounding areas, volcanoes can affect the atmosphere and climate. The Tambora volcano blasted enough particulate matter in the atmosphere to cause a very pronounced cooling effect. The following "year without a summer" caused global crop failures and starvation, and perceptible global cooling was observed for the next 10 years. Huge quantities of water vapor, dense carbon dioxide gas, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen chloride may be emitted to the atmosphere. People may suffocate in the carbon dioxide or be poisoned by the toxic carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen chloride along with hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide oxidized in the atmosphere to sulfuric acid can contribute to acidic rainfall. The tiny droplets of sulfuric acid suspended in the atmosphere effectively reflected enough sunlight to cause a perceptible cooling in climate. Massive, atmospheric-damaging eruptions of volcanoes in recorded history have caused catastrophic crop failures. And since the world as a whole carries little food surplus from year to year, the certainty of food supply disruptions due to volcanic activity point to the desirability of storing substantial amounts of food for emergency use.

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