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By: C. Runak, MD

Co-Director, Yale School of Medicine

The pen was able to create a mixed oxidant solution that is more potent than tablets used nowadays by the forces: the mixed oxidant pen was able to destroy many waterborne pathogens to at least 3 to 4 log removal medicine 44390 purchase combivir line. Built first generation air purification unit to destroy airborne pathogens by thermocatalytic destruction medicine remix cheap combivir american express. The destruction efficiencies for various air pathogens and simulants in the high 90% range. Began work on advanced carbon surface treatments to improve adsorption capacity and kinetics. The water desalinization and purification systems would meet Army Operational Requirements. The mask consists of: wide view, clear plastic lens embedded in a butyl rubber face blank; an integral microphone; eyelens outserts; carrying case; anti-fog kit; and a hose-mounted filter canister. The mask consists of: wide view, clear plastic lens embedded in a butyl rubber face blank; an integral microphone; eyelens outserts; carrying case; anti-fog kit; and a hose mounted filter canister. The mask has a microphone connection to fit the armored vehicle communications systems. The mask provides improved fit, comfort, and visibility relative to earlier masks, and includes a drinking tube for attachment to the standard canteen, and electronic voicemitter connections for improved communications. M40 Mask the M40 series is designed for the individual dismounted ground warrior, while the M42 series is designed for combat vehicle crewmen. Use of modular parts permits the M40 series to be used in both the M40 and M42 configuration. M48 Protective Mask - Production the M48 is the third generation M43 series masks. The M48 mask replaces the M43 Type I mask and will be the only mask for the Apache aviator for the foreseeable future. The M48 mask consist of a lightweight motor blower, a new hose assembly, a web belt, the mask carrier, facepiece carrier, eyelens cushions, and the facepiece of the M43A1. Universal Second Skin the Universal Second Skin is one of the components of a pre-planned product improvement (P3I) in the M40/M42 series mask. The Universal second skin provides liquid agent protection for the mask faceblank material. Both Services developed prototype designs and, after field user and human engineer testing, the Marine Corps design was selected. The liner currently is based upon activated carbon bead technology, replacing the bulky activated carbon foam technology in previous garments. The suit consists of a smock and separate pair of trousers, and is sized to accommodate the 5 percentile female through the 95 percent male ratio. It offers a reduced thermal load burden and is compatible with aircrew life support equipment. The program will yield a family of garments and ensembles, developed for Joint Service mission needs and tested to Joint Service standards. Due to mission constraints and threat analysis, a separate garment may be considered for fixed wing versus rotary wing aircrew. It is designed for wear over the combat boot, jungle boot, and intermediate cold/wet boot, and provides 24 hours of protection chemical agents with a wear life of 60 days. The 7 mil glove is used by personnel who require a high degree of tactility, such as medical and personnel engaged in electronic B-9 Chemical & Biological Defense Program Annual Report equipment repair. The 14 mil glove is used by personnel like aviators and mechanics, in cases when good tactility is necessary and stress to the glove is not too harsh. The 7 mil glove set should be replaced within 6 hours of exposure to a chemical agent.

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Instead treatment management system buy cheap combivir 300mg, it was a model for privatized war and reconstruction-a model that quickly became export-ready medications made from plants order generic combivir from india. Until Iraq, the frontiers of the Chicago crusade had been bound by geography: Russia, Argentina, South Korea. In a way, this is an advantage for Afghanistan to start anew with the best ideas and the best technical knowledge. It was July 2005 and the beach was almost deserted, but there was a small cluster of hand-painted wooden catamarans, and beside one of them a small family was getting ready to go to sea. Roger, forty years old and sitting shirtless in his sarong on the sand, was repairing a tangled red net with his twenty-year-old son, Ivan. I had come to Sri Lanka, one of the hardest-hit countries, six months later to see how the reconstruction efforts here com pared with those in Iraq. My travel companion, Kumari, an activist from Colombo, had been a part of the rescue and rehabilitation effort and had agreed to act as guide and translator through the tsunami-struck region. For fifteen years, Roger told us, his family had spent fishing season in a thatched hut on the beach in Arugam Bay, near where we were sitting. Along with dozens of other fishing families, they had kept their boats beside their huts and dried their catch on banana leaves in the fine white sand. They mingled easily with tourists, most of whom were Australian and European surfers staying in hostels along the beach, the kind of place with ratty hammocks out front and London club music playing on speakers lodged in palm trees. The restaurants bought fish straight off the boats, and the fishing people, with their colorful traditional lifestyles, provided just the splash of authenticity most rugged travelers were looking for. For a long time, there was no particular conflict between the hotels and the fishing people in Arugum Bay, in part because the ongoing civil war in Sri Lanka ensured that neither industry could grow beyond a small scale. The east coast of Sri Lanka saw some of the worst of the fighting as it was claimed by both sides-the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (known as the Tamil Tigers) in the North, and the Sinhalese central government in Colombo-but was never fully controlled by either. Reaching Arugam Bay required navigating a maze of checkpoints and running the risk of getting caught in a shootout or a suicide bombing (the Tamil Tigers are credited with having invented the exploding suicide belt). The breakthrough came in February 2002, when Colombo and the Tigers signed a cease-fire agreement. Despite this precarious state, as soon as the roads were opened, the guidebooks began pumping up the east coast as the next Phuket: great surf ing, beautiful beaches, funky hotels, spicy food, full-moon r a v e s. Arugam Bay was zoned as a fishing port, but local hotel owners began complaining that the huts blocked their views, that the fragrance of drying fish turned off their customers (one hotelier, a Dutch expat, told me that "there is such a thing as smell pollution"). Some of the hoteliers started lobbying the local government to relocate the boats and fishing huts to a different bay, one less popular with foreigners. The villagers pushed back, pointing out that they had been living on these lands for gener ations, and that Arugam Bay was more than a boat launch -it was fresh water and electricity, schools for their children and buyers for their catch. These tensions threatened to explode six months before the tsunami hit, when there was a mysterious fire on the beach in the middle of the night. Roger and his family, he told me, "lost everything, our belongings, our nets and ropes. Every single fragile structure was washed away-every boat, every fishing hut, as well as every tourist cabana and bungalow. In a commu nity of only 4,000, about 350 were killed, most of them people like Roger, Ivan and Jenita, who make their living from the sea. And yet, underneath the rubble and the carnage was what the tourism industry had been angling for all along-a pristine beach, scrubbed clean of all the messy signs of peo ple working, a vacation Eden. It was the same up and down the coast: once the rubble was cleared away, what was left was. When the emergency subsided and fishing families returned to the spots where their homes once stood, they were greeted by police who forbade them to rebuild. Most would have accepted building farther from the water, but there was no available land there, leaving the fishing people with nowhere to go. And the new "buffer zone" was being imposed not only in Arugam Bay but along the entire east coast. Small-boat fishing people like Roger made up 80 percent of the victims; in some areas the number was closer to 98 percent.

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They are easy to use medicine 360 buy combivir paypal, compact treatment 3 phases malnourished children order combivir 300mg free shipping, rapid (minutes), and require little logistic support. Details of the biological warfare threats and countermeasures, as well as biological defense research and development technical barriers and accomplishments, are presented in Annex D (Section D. Major thrusts include real-time (environmental) sensing; medical countermeasures (developing barriers to prevent entry of pathogens into the human body and developing pathogen countermeasures to block pathogen virulence and to modulate host immune response); Advanced Medical Diagnostics for the most virulent pathogens and their molecular mechanisms; and Consequence Management Tools. Medical countermeasures research includes: (1) broad spectrum therapeutics against known, biological warfare pathogens, (2) therapeutics against virulence pathways (mechanisms of disease) shared by broad classes of pathogens and (3) stimulators of innate immunity. Specific approaches include modified red blood cells to sequester and destroy pathogens, development of broad spectrum vaccines, engineering of plants to produce human vaccines and other products, identification of virulence mechanisms shared by pathogens, development of novel therapeutics targeting these mechanisms, and efficacy testing in cell cultures and animals. Mission effectiveness requires rapid, correct medical responses to biological threats. The objective of the Consequence Management thrust is to provide comprehensive protocols to protect or treat combatants by using current and emerging biological countermeasures. It will provide accelerated situational awareness for biological agents events by detecting exposure to agents through an analysis of casualty electronic theater medical records, and will locate and determine the most effective logistical support for providing appropriate treatment and pathogen-specific resources required to mitigate effects of the attack. Develop and test prophylactic drugs to reduce the adverse health consequences of sublethal radiation exposures. Quantify and build into casualty prediction models the morbidity and mortality due to combined exposure to ionizing radiation and infectious disease or chemical agents. Sustain combat capability, increase survival, and minimize short- and long-term problems associated with ionizing radiation when combined with other mass casualty weapons or battlefield stressors such as traumatic injury and endemic disease. These agents include radiation dispersal weapons, which scatter radioactive material with conventional explosives; deliberate area contamination; destruction of a nuclear power plant; improvised nuclear devices; and traditional nuclear weapons. Such a device would most likely be utilized against military, economic, or a political targets (e. The nuclear weapons inventory of current adversaries is thought to be small, but if a weapon is used for military advantage, concomitant use of biological or chemical weapons should be anticipated. This would complicate the management of their conventional injuries and could cause internal contamination with radionucleides. A research program to understand molecular and cellular damage induced by radiation is needed to determine the best medical countermeasures for the newly arising radiological threats on the modern battlefield. The cytokine thrombopoietin has been developed as a therapeutic agent and is undergoing further trials as a platelet-formation stimulant. Broad Range Cellular Recovery Stimulants: Research continues into biologically stable compounds that stimulate recovery of multiple hematopoietic cell lineages. Susceptibility to Infectious Agents and Efficacious Therapy: Research continues into assessing susceptibility and resistance to infectious agents in individuals exposed to prompt and chronic sublethal radiation doses, and developing combined-modality therapies that attack microorganisms while enhancing innate immunity. A significant reduction in mortality was shown in animal models using a clinical support protocol based on antibiotic and platelet transfusion regimens. Novel analytical methods and newly identified biological markers that leverage nucleic acid amplifying technologies are being developed. These will lead to a new-generation suite of biodosimetry assays that are rapid and deployable for field use point-of-care testing and provide greater diagnostic value for medical treatment decisions. While casu63 Chemical & Biological Defense Program Annual Report alty numbers from a nuclear detonation will still be large, countermeasures have been developed that will significantly limit the morbidity and the secondary mortality. If the attack is limited to one or, at worst, a small number of events, the ability to provide intensive, sophisticated medical and other support is highly credible because of the availability of uncompromised treatment/research centers and medical evacuation capabilities. Details of the radiological threats and countermeasures, as well as nuclear defense research and development technical barriers and accomplishments, are presented in Annex D (Section D. Additionally, Congress directed that in the report to be submitted in calendar year 2001, the following information should be included: (1) an estimate and update of the life cycle costs of the anthrax vaccination program; (2) a description of the anthrax vaccine acquisition strategy; (3) an assessment of government requirements (defense and non-defense) for the anthrax vaccine; (4) an assessment of the financial and manufacturing ability of the manufacturer of the anthrax vaccine to meet government requirements; and (5) a description of any activity related to any anthrax vaccine license with significant implications for the Department of Defense. Table 2-15 provides an estimate of the procurement program costs for the anthrax vaccination program.

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The adverse effects of the specific neuromuscular blocking drugs are shown in Figure 5 medicine 20th century buy 300 mg combivir with amex. Cholinesterase inhibitors: Drugs such as neostigmine symptoms of hiv buy discount combivir 300mg on-line, physostigmine, pyridostigmine, and edrophonium can overcome the action of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers, but with increased dosage, cholinesterase inhibitors can cause a depolarizing block as a result of elevated acetylcholine concentrations at the end-plate membrane. If the neuromuscular blocker has entered the ion channel, cholinesterase inhibitors are not as effective in overcoming blockade. Halogenated hydrocarbon anesthetics: Drugs such as halothane act to enhance neuromuscular blockade by exerting a stabilizing action at the neuromuscular junction. These agents sensitize the neuromusclular junction to the effects of neuromuscular blockers. Aminoglycoside antibiotics: Drugs such as gentamicin or tobramycin inhibit acetylcholine release from cholinergic nerves by competing with calcium ions. They synergize with tubocurarine and other competitive blockers, enhancing the blockade. Calcium-channel blockers: these agents may increase the neuromuscular block of tubocurarine and other competitive blockers as well as depolarizing blockers. Unlike acetylcholine, which is instantly destroyed by acetylcholinesterase, the depolarizing agent persists at high concentrations in the synaptic cleft, remaining attached to the receptor for a relatively P. Continued binding of the depolarizing agent renders the receptor incapable of transmitting further impulses. With time, continuous depolarization gives way to gradual repolarization as the sodium channel closes or is blocked. Actions: the sequence of paralysis may be slightly different, but as with the competitive blockers, the respiratory muscles are paralyzed last. Succinylcholine initially produces short-lasting muscle fasciculations, followed within a few minutes by paralysis. The drug does not produce a ganglionic block except at high doses, but it does have weak histamine-releasing action. Normally, the duration of action of succinylcholine is extremely short, because this drug is rapidly broken down by plasma cholinesterase. However, succinylcholine that gets to the neuromusclular junction is not metabolized by acetylcholinesterase, allowing the agent to bind to nicotinic receptors, and redistribution to plasma is necessary for metabolism (therapeutic benefits last only for a few minutes). Therapeutic uses: Because of its rapid onset and short duration of action, succinylcholine is useful when rapid endotracheal intubation is required during the induction of anesthesia (a rapid action is essential if aspiration of gastric contents is to be avoided during intubation). Its brief duration of action (several minutes) results from redistribution and rapid hydrolysis by plasma cholinesterase. This is treated by rapidly cooling the patient and by administration of dantrolene, which blocks release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle cells, thus reducing heat production and relaxing muscle tone. Apnea: Administration of succinylcholine to a patient who is genetically deficient in plasma cholinesterase or has an atypical form of the enzyme can lead to prolonged apnea due to paralysis of the diaphragm. Hyperkalemia: Succinylcholine increases potassium release from intracellular stores. This may be particularly dangerous in burn patients or patients with massive tissue damage in which postassium is been rapidly lost from within cells. Overview the adrenergic drugs affect receptors that are stimulated by norepinephrine or epinephrine. Some adrenergic drugs act directly on the adrenergic receptor (adrenoceptor) by activating it and are said to be sympathomimetic. Others, which will be dealt with in Chapter 7, block the action of the neurotransmitters at the receptors (sympatholytics), whereas still other drugs affect adrenergic function by interrupting the release of norepinephrine from adrenergic neurons. This chapter describes agents that either directly or indirectly stimulate adrenoceptors (Figure 6. The Adrenergic Neuron Adrenergic neurons release norepinephrine as the primary neurotransmitter. The adrenergic neurons and receptors, located either presynaptically on the neuron or postsynaptically on the effector organ, are the sites of action of the adrenergic drugs (Figure 6.

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