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By: E. Vandorn, M.S., Ph.D.
Program Director, Larkin College of Osteopathic Medicine
At autopsy acne and dairy discount bactroban 5gm amex, there are cystic cavities within the frontal and temporal lobes acne kit 5 gm bactroban, corresponding to the areas of prior hemorrhage. These cavities were formed in large measure due to the phagocytic activity of which of the following cell types Loss of consciousness in this patient presumably occurred because of a functional paralysis of neurons in which of the following anatomic regions of his brain A section of the temporal lobe shows massive proliferation of cells with a star-shaped appearance (shown in the image). Histologic examination of the brain at autopsy reveals extensive arteriolar lipohyalinosis and numerous Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms. Which of the following best accounts for the pathogenesis of these autopsy findings Lumbar puncture demonstrates an abundance of neutrophils and decreased levels of glucose. Which of the following diseases is most likely associated with these clinical laboratory findings The infant is started on broad-spectrum 311 antibiotics and antiviral medications but slips into a coma and expires. At autopsy, the brain shows a purulent exudate in the subarachnoid space at the base of the brain (shown in the image). Progressive muscle weakness and blindness ensue, and the patient dies within a year. The brain at autopsy shows swollen neurons that contain numerous lysosomes filled with lipid. On the following day, she is rushed to the emergency room after suffering a generalized seizure. Examination of affected brain tissue at autopsy would most likely reveal which of the following pathologic findings Imaging studies disclose mild hydrocephaly, as well as areas of calcification in periventricular areas and in the brain stem. Examination of the brain at autopsy reveals pink intranuclear inclusions in Purkinje cells. Which of the following is the most likely etiology of cerebral calcification and convulsions in this neonate Lumbar puncture returns cloudy fluid, and microscopic examination shows numerous encapsulated microorganisms (shown in the image). Which of the following pathogens is the most likely cause of meningitis in this patient Imaging studies reveal subarachnoid hemorrhage, and an angiogram shows a saccular aneurysm. Which of the following best describes the pathogenesis of aneurysm formation in this patient Which of the following was the most likely site for cerebral hemorrhage in this patient Examination of the brain at autopsy reveals mild cerebral atrophy, with dilation of the lateral ventricles. Which of the following best explains the pathogenesis of neuronal injury in this patient An X-ray film of the chest shows an ill-defined area of consolidation at the periphery of the right middle lobe and mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Examination of the brainstem at autopsy shows a soft lesion in the tegmentum of the pons. Imaging studies would most likely reveal occlusion of which of the following arteries Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this pathologic finding
These are typically found in the midline cerebellum and often protrude into the fourth ventricle acne 911 zit blast reviews cheap bactroban 5gm with amex, causing hydrocephalus skin care center buy bactroban. These are rare, indolent tumors, generally found in the temporal, frontal, or parietal cortices, which typically present with seizures. Pituitary adenomas may be subclassified according to either their size or their endocrinologic status. Macroadenomas are larger than 1 cm, whereas microadenomas, which are more common, are smaller. Endocrinologically, more than 80 percent of adenomas are secretory, with the remainder being non-productive. Pituitary adenomas may cause symptoms by either compression of adjacent tissue or secondary to the secretion of various hormones. With compression of adjacent pituitary tissue there may be pituitary failure, with, for example, hypothyroidism or adrenocortical insufficiency. Lateral extension of a macroadenoma into the adjacent cavernous sinus may cause an oculomotor palsy or facial numbness in the areas of the first or second divisions of the trigeminal nerve. Endocrinologic changes seen with secretory tumors most commonly involve hyperprolactinemia, with amenorrhea in females and gynecomastia and erectile dysfunction in males. Importantly, in about 10 percent of secreting adenomas, two or more hormones may be excessively produced. Magnetic resonance scanning is typically positive with macroadenomas; however, microadenomas of less than 3 mm in diameter may escape detection. Craniopharyngiomas are lobulated, calcified tumors that, although most commonly occurring in children, may occur in patients of any age. They typically arise from the junction of the infundibulum and pituitary gland, and may produce a variety of symptoms, depending on which direction they grow in. With upward extension and impingement of the hypothalamus, there may be diabetes insipidus and obesity, and with compression of the third ventricle, hydrocephalus may occur. Compression of the optic chiasm may cause a bitemporal hemianopia, and with downward extension various forms of pituitary failure may appear. Pineal tumors include not only pinealomas but also germ cell tumors, gliomas, and teratomas. These tumors cause symptoms primarily by compression of the adjacent quadrigeminal plate and the underlying aqueduct of Sylvius, with a Parinaud syndrome (limitation of upgaze and an Argyll Robertson pupil) and obstructive hydrocephalus respectively. They are found in children or young adults, usually present with cerebellar symptoms, and may occur as part of von Hippelindau disease. Colloid cysts of the third ventricle are rare cystic masses that may cause dementia (Kelly 1951), either by compression of the surrounding thalamus (Faris and Terrence 1989; Lobosky et al. Thus, patients may experience intermittent headache, unsteadiness, and confusion, and report that these symptoms are posture-dependent. Of all these primaries, melanoma and testicular cancer, although not common, exhibit the greatest propensity for metastasis to the brain. Two-thirds of metastases eventually settle in the brain parenchyma, whereas the remainder lodge either in the leptomeninges (where they create a condition known as leptomeningeal carcinomatosis) or in the dura. Metastases to the parenchyma generally appear as homogenously enhancing masses, often with considerable peri-tumoral edema; in high-grade malignancies, however, central necrosis may lead to a ring-enhancing pattern. Although solitary lesions may occur, multiple tumors, as noted earlier, are more common, and indeed at autopsy one may find widespread, microscopic foci. Magnetic resonance scanning typically reveals meningeal enhancement, and tumor cells may be found with lumbar puncture; this may have to be repeated multiple times, however, to avoid a false negative result. Although spread to the leptomeninges may occur with almost every type of primary tumor, it is, as noted earlier, a relatively uncommon occurrence. The exception occurs with systemic lymphoma or leukemia, which, unique among the primaries, tend to preferentially seed into the leptomeninges. Dural metastases may occur via direct spread to the dura or by virtue of an inward extension of a calvarial metastasis.
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They show marked vascular changes acne hoodie generic bactroban 5 gm online, often with focal hemorrhage and cortical infarcts acne 80 10 10 cheap 5gm bactroban with mastercard. Among the most severely affected vessels are the interlobular arteries and afferent arterioles. Early fibromuscular thickening of the subintima causes luminal narrowing, followed by fibrosis. The other pathologic lesions may occur, but they are not the principal cause of vasculopathy in patients with scleroderma. A thrombus may undergo several fates including (1) lysis, (2) growth and propagation, (3) detachment and embolization, or (4) organization and canalization. The combination of aggregated platelets and clotted blood is made unstable by the activation of plasmin. Occlusive thrombi can also be dissolved by enzymes, such as streptokinase, that activate plasma fibrinolytic activity. The conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, and the activity of plasmin, are regulated by specific inhibitors. An echocardiogram reveals a defect between the right and left atrium involving the limbus of the foramen ovale. Physical examination reveals cyanosis, distended jugular veins, hepatosplenomegaly, and a systolic ejection murmur. This patient has most likely developed which of the following complications of congenital heart disease Physical examination reveals tachypnea, pallor, absent femoral pulses, and a murmur heard at the left axilla. There is hypertension in the upper extremities and low blood pressure in both legs. On physical examination, the infant is irritable, diaphoretic, tachypneic, and tachycardic. A systolic thrill and holosystolic murmur are heard along the left sternal border. An echocardiogram reveals a heart defect in which the aorta and pulmonary artery form a single vessel that overrides a ventricular septal defect. The parents report that the baby gets "bluish" when she cries or drinks from her bottle. Echocardiogram reveals a congenital heart defect associated with pulmonary stenosis, ventricular septal defect, dextroposition of the aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy. Physical examination shows pallor, peripheral cyanosis, tachypnea, intercostal retractions, and nasal flaring with grunting. An X-ray film of the chest shows severe cardiomegaly and bilateral pleural effusion. Analysis of which pair of serum markers given below would be most helpful in excluding a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in this patient This patient most likely suffered from which of the following hereditary diseases She feels hot and sweaty and has experienced a 9-kg (20-lb) weight loss over the past 2 months, despite increased caloric intake. This patient is at risk of developing which of the following cardiovascular complications Laboratory studies show an increased leukocyte count and increased serum levels of cardiac enzymes. Histologic examination of the left main coronary artery at autopsy is shown in the image. Examination of injured heart muscle would be expected to show which of the following pathologic changes by light microscopy Six months later, an echocardiogram reveals the development of a ventricular bulge that does not contract during systole. Multiple foci of necrosis are found circumferentially around the inner walls of both ventricles. Which of the following is the most likely cause of congestive heart failure in this patient
Diagnosis: Congenital 21-hydroxylase deficiency the answer is C: Hypoplasia of thymus skin care youtube purchase genuine bactroban on line. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is a sex-linked acne 6dpo order 5 gm bactroban otc, hereditary disease in which severe immunodeficiency is associated with a hypoplastic thymus, eczema, and thrombocytopenia. Alterations in the thymus vary from complete absence (agenesis) or severe hypoplasia to a situation in which the thymus is small but exhibits a normal architecture. Some small glands exhibit thymic dysplasia, characterized by an absence of thymocytes, few, if any, Hassall corpuscles, and only epithelial components. DiGeorge syndrome is caused by a failure in the development of the third and fourth branchial pouches, resulting in agenesis or hypoplasia of the thymus and parathyroid glands, congenital heart defects, dysmorphic facies, and a variety of other congenital anomalies. As a result of parathyroid agenesis, patients with DiGeorge syndrome exhibit hypocalcemia, which manifests as increased neuromuscular excitability. Symptoms range from mild tingling in the hands and feet to severe muscle cramps and convulsions. Thymic aplasia in patients with DiGeorge syndrome results in a congenital immune deficiency syndrome characterized by the loss of T cells. As a result, patients exhibit a deficiency of cell-mediated immunity, with a particular susceptibility to Candida 11 15 16 12 17 13 18 the Endocrine System sp. The defect in these patients has been traced to mutations in a gene whose product couples hormone receptors to the stimulation of adenylyl cyclase. These patients demonstrate a characteristic phenotype (Albright hereditary osteodystrophy), including short stature, obesity, mental retardation, subcutaneous calcification, and a number of congenital anomalies of bone. Abnormalities in cardiac conduction (choice A) and increased neuromuscular excitability (choice E) are related to hypocalcemia. Diagnosis: Pseudohypoparathyroidism, Albright hereditary osteodystrophy the answer is C: Hyperparathyroidism. The clinical manifestations of primary hyperparathyroidism range from asymptomatic hypercalcemia detected on routine blood analysis to florid systemic renal and skeletal disease. Hyperparathyroidism is often accompanied by mental changes, including depression, emotional liability, poor mentation, and memory defects. The other choices are not associated with hypercalcemia or the formation of renal calculi. Parathyroid adenoma is the cause of 85% of all cases of primary hyperparathyroidism. In a small minority of cases of sporadic adenoma, genetic analysis has identified rearrangement and overexpression of the cyclin D protooncogene. On gross examination, a parathyroid adenoma appears as a circumscribed, reddish brown, solitary mass, measuring 1 to 3 cm in diameter. Microscopically, these tumors show sheets of neoplastic chief cells in a rich capillary network. A rim of normal parathyroid tissue is usually evident outside the tumor capsule and distinguishes adenoma from parathyroid hyperplasia. Diagnosis: Hyperparathyroidism, parathyroid adenoma the answer is E: Renal insufficiency. Hyperparathyroidism can be primary as a result of autonomous proliferation of chief cells or may be secondary, in which case it is a compensatory mechanism. Secondary parathyroid hyperplasia is encountered principally in patients with chronic renal failure, although the disorder also occurs in association with vitamin D deficiency, intestinal malabsorption, Fanconi syndrome, and renal tubular acidosis. None of the other choices are associated with hypocalcemia or secondary parathyroid hyperplasia. One third of patients exhibit hyperparathyroidism as a result of parathyroid hyperplasia or adenoma. Hirschsprung disease (congenital megacolon) and a variety of neural crest tumors. Diagnosis: Parathyroid adenoma, multiple endocrine neoplasia the answer is E: Increased secretion of gastrin. The incidence of peptic ulcer disease is increased in patients with hyperparathyroidism, possibly because hypercalcemia increases serum gastrin, thereby stimulating gastric acid secretion. Diagnosis: Peptic ulcer disease, hyperparathyroidism the answer is D: Thyroid agenesis. Cretinism denotes physical and mental insufficiency that is secondary to congenital hypothyroidism. Cretinism may be endemic, sporadic, or familial and is twice as frequent in girls as in boys.