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By: D. Wenzel, MD
Co-Director, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas
The above question was addressed to one who believes that disease is largely due to errors in diet gastritis que tomar cheap gasex online, therefore prescribes fasting or a milk diet viral gastritis diet order 100caps gasex visa. It is thought by some that neuralgia is caused either by over-eating or by a depleted system. Their idea is that when the body is diseased it is below par, the blood is impoverished; it therefore needs certain nutritious foods to build up and restore lost vitality. They aim to cleanse and purify the body by fasting; to clear the system by starving this something known as neuralgia. Strange, indeed, that someone had not long ago discovered that neuralgia was an inflammatory condition of nerves, caused by pressure, an impingement-tension. This item was inspired by reading the above text and the next minute relieving a case of facial neuralgia by adjusting the atlas, releasing the impingement. You state that a subluxated bone is the cause of 95 per cent of all diseases, but omit to mention the cause of the remaining 5 per cent. I am not able to formulate, in a sentence, your ideas of the soul-what it is, where it resides, of what it consists, or the exact time it takes possession of the body. How does a stronger impulse, or one greater than normal, get past the impingement? How is it possible to restore normal function, when, so far as we can determine, we do not change the position of the vertebrae, which is supposed to be the cause of disease? I think you are wrong in stating that the expression per cent can only be applied to substances which are divisible. You have established the fact, beyond all controversy, that you are the discoverer, originator and the best qualified teacher of Chiropractic. Of the Adjuster class but few did more than read it, and that without using an anatomy or dictionary. How about those teachers of Chiropractic who tell me that they have not looked into the Chiropractor or Adjuster for many months, although they take both? I think in every instance in which I have made mention of the above fact, I used the word vertebra. Function is the action of any part of a living animal or plant, and is the result of volition. Universal, is the sum total of the conscious intelligent element or factor manifested in the universe. The body, as an entity, is the organized substance which we recognize as a human being. The mind is the intellectual part, that which is conscious, that which understands, reasons, wills and thinks. For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? It is that which distinguishes a living, organized animal from a dead animal and inorganic bodies. Intelligent life-the soul-is the bond of union which holds spirit and body together as one. Through the mind, Innate (spirit) conducts the functions which control the body, and looks after its external welfare. If the reader will turn to all the places where soul is mentioned, I think that he will get a satisfactory comprehension of what I understand the soul consists. Disease is the result of liberating too much energy, or the retarding-lessening-of Innate stimulus. The modifying, or swaying, either way, above or below normal, is disease-augmentation or lessening of impulses, and morbidity of tissue. It is impossible to separate modified functions and morbid tissue; either does not exist without the other. As soon as nerves are made taut by pressure, just so soon they become tense; tensity changes the temperature; tensity modifies functions; abnormal temperature modifies tissue.
In the dorsal region the close proximity of the spinous processes to each other allow only a very slight extension diet gastritis adalah discount gasex 100 caps on-line, backward movement gastritis znaki order gasex amex, that which would close the foramina. In lateral flexion, bending of the body sidewise, the sides of the intervertebral disks are compressed, the extent of motion being limited by the approximation of the transverse processes. This movement may take place in any part of the vertebral column, but has the greatest range in the neck and loins. This action is limited by the anterior common ligament, the approximation of the spinous processes and the osseous abutments located at the lower edge of the superior articular processes, so that in bending backward the superior processes from the axis to the twelfth dorsal strike against the junction of the transverse processes. The twelfth dorsal is absent of the transverse processes, but more or less supplied with the mammillary processes, which serve an admirable purpose for preventing such a movement as would close the foramina. Thus, there is a wise provision throughout the vertebral column to prevent occlusion of the intervertebral foramina. Flexion and extension increase again in the neck, the capability of backward motion from the upright position being in this region greater than that of the motion forward; whereas, in the lumbar region the reverse is the case. By palpation we determine the spinous process out of alignment because of displacement of the articular processes. Displacing the articular surfaces cause flexion, the bend is shown by the projection of the spinous process above the luxation. The articulating processes of vertebrae have thin, loose ligamentous sacks, known as capsular ligaments, attached to the margins of their articular surfaces through the greater part of their circumference. They connect the two osseous structures on opposite sides of the intervertebral foramen and hold the blood vessels and nerves in their respective position as they pass through foramina. These thin sheets of pliable tissue are lined on the inner surface with synovial membranes, the function of which is to furnish synovia, a clear, thick, viscid fluid, like the white of an egg, to lubricate the surfaces of these ligaments. The synovial membranes of the vertebral articulations are well supplied with blood vessels and nerves and may become inflamed, known as synovitis. A displacement of the articular surfaces which create the intervertebral foramina, enlarges the size of the aperture, stretches the intervening fasciae, augments nerve vibration of the spinal trunk, causes the filaments to be on a stretch, creates diseased conditions in those parts or organs in which these nerves end. Adjusting, by sliding the articular surfaces back to their normal position, closes the foramen to its normal shape and size, releases undue nerve tension and all is well. The articulation of the atlas with the axis is of a complicated nature, comprising no fewer than four distinct joints. There is a pivot articulation between the odontoid process of the axis and the ring formed between the anterior arch of the atlas, and the transverse ligament and the posterior of the odontoid. The projection of the axis aids in forming two joints-one in front between the posterior surface of the anterior arch of the atlas and the front of the odontoid process; and another between the anterior surface of the transverse ligament and the back of the tooth-like process. The condyle of the occiput is biconvex, it fits into the biconcave superior articular surface of the atlas. I saw one specimen which showed plainly two articular surfaces on the front of the odontoid process. I have seen quite a number of axes whose odontoid processes had been extended, lengthened one-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch by exostosis, a deposit of osseous material upon the apexes of the odontoid processes, evidently for the purpose of preventing the atlas from sliding upward and backward over the toothlike process. Any deviation from the median line to the left or right, displaces, more or less, four articulations, two of the odontoid process, and two of the articular processes. No one of the four joints can be displaced without a corresponding displacement of all. The odontoid process stands midway between the two tubercles, of the lateral masses, for the attachment of the transverse ligament. The neck of the odontoid (transverse measurement) is one-fourth of an inch in diameter, leaving a distance of three-sixteenths of an inch on either side of and between the tubercles and the process void of osseous tissue. Occasionally the atlas is displaced laterally to one side or the other, stretching the ligaments, fasciae and nerves which unite the atlas and axis and makes secure not only the spinal cord, but also the nerves and blood vessels during their passage through the long gaps and emergence from the spinal canal. In all such cases the proper thing to do is to replace the displaced bone, thereby relieving excessive muscle and nerve tension. Between the occiput and axis there are no intervertebral foramina or intervertebral disks to blame for pinching nerves abnormal chemical combinations, obstructed currents or occlusion of stimuli. While the rotary movements are specially arranged for by the pecular articulations between the atlas and axis, the nodding or rocking motion of the head is permitted by the cups of the superior articular processes and the projecting condyles of the occipital bone. This variation in size and shape is shown in the condyles and their corresponding articular surfaces of the same occiput and atlas. In this region I never have had any reason for adjusting, or trying to adjust, the skull or axis, although I have frequent need for replacing the atlas and the third cervical.
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A radiograph is not a shadow but a complex summation of a polychromatic beam of X-rays (Milne 1993) gastritis turmeric buy discount gasex 100 caps on line. Remember the following three basic principles (Squire 1970; Novelline and Squire 1997): 1 gastritis b12 buy cheap gasex 100 caps on line. Roentgen whitegrayblack values are the result of variations in the number of rays that have passed through the object of interest to expose the X-ray detector. Therefore, they are always summation shadow grains of all the masses in the full thickness of the object that has been interposed between the beam-source and the detector. Because it is a summation/projection of several layers, subtle lesions such as early lung cancer or focal pneumonia can be overlaid by background anatomy. Austin and colleagues (1992) concluded that confusion by background structures is the leading cause of nondetection of nodules in well-penetrated lung zones. Dual-energy radiography, which is a clinical application of digital imaging, can overcome this difficulty through the elimination of the background with the subtraction technique. Ishigaki and others (1986) described this technique in 1986 by using two storage phosphor plates separated by a filter for a single shot based on the difference in spectral absorption characteristics of bone and soft tissue. Dual-energy imaging with bone subtraction (called soft imaging) has been shown to be advantageous for · the detection of lung nodules, even those obscured by overlaying structures · other types of focal opacities, such as those caused by infection · the visualization of central airways There was, however, no advantage in the characterization of interstitial patterns when compared with conventional standard images (MacMahon et al. The bone image can help to detect the presence of calcification in lung nodules, referring to benign etiology, and in pleural plaques. It also has been shown to be advantageous in the evaluation of coronary and cardiac calcifications and radioopaque devices, and it helps in the detection of sclerotic skeletal metastases. The margin of any shadow on the X-ray represents a tangentially seen interface between two structures of different roentgen density. The silhouette sign is based on the premise that an intrathoracic opacity, if in anatomic contact with a border of the heart or aorta, will obscure that border (Felson 1973). Thus, obliteration or absence of the outline of those structures indicates that airless tissue, such as fluid or a solid tumor, is adjacent to those structures. For example, collapse or consolidation of the left upper lobe will obliterate the left cardiac border, and collapse or consolidation of the right middle lobe will obliterate the right cardiac border. Using the same principle, a well-defined mass seen above the clavicles is located posteriorly and in contact with the aerated lung parenchyma, whereas a mass located anteriorly is in contact with mediastinal soft tissues and so is poorly defined. The hilum overlay sign is used to distinguish a hilar mass from a nonhilar mass: When the hilar vessels can still be seen through a mass, then the mass does not arise from the hilum. Because of the geometry of the mediastinum, most of these masses will be located in the anterior mediastinum. Awareness of the range of atomic numbers (roentgen densities) of objects or tissues plus the information you will deduce about their thickness, 2 Difficulties in the Interpretation of Chest Radiography 33 shape and form, make it possible to identify an object by name from its radiograph. The atomic composition of objects or tissues will strongly influence the amount and the energy of the X-rays that will interact with the X-ray detector. Together with the information about their thickness, shape, and form, objects can be identified by name from a radiograph. The 3-mm limit of visibility can only be applied if the margins of the structure are parallel to the X-ray beam. Four mm is considered to be the lower limit of visibility for noncalcified intrapulmonary densities by Westra (1990) and Brogdon et al. The threshold visibility is not only influenced by the border of the lesion shadow (sharply defined or beveled margins), but also by its location. The visibility is higher when a lesion can be projected in such a way that it is related to aircontaining parenchyma without a superimposed confusion by overlying structures. Those areas are located in close proximity to the pleura and the rib cage, in the paramediastinal regions, and near the diaphragm (Brogdon et al. We believe a systematic approach to radiological interpretation is of profound importance, especially for radiologists in training. Radiologists must develop a routine when examining X-rays that ensures that all areas of the radiograph are scrutinized.