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- Lethargy or coma (severe dehydration)
- A small lighted tube called an endoscope may be used. The health care provider may inject the varices directly with a clotting medicine, or place a rubber band around the bleeding veins.
- Examine the scalp and hair for moving lice and eggs (nits).
- Ductus arteriosus (a small blood vesel that connects the aorta to the pulmonary artery)
- Drowsiness
- Chest pain
At which renal tubular sites would the concentration of creatinine be expected to be highest in a normally hydrated person A) Extracellular fluid volume expansion B) Increased plasma parathyroid hormone concentration C) Increased blood pressure D) Decreased plasma phosphate concentration E) Metabolic acidosis Unit V the Body Fluids and Kidneys Questions 127 and 128 Intracellular fluid 300 200 100 0 10 20 30 40 Volume (L) B C Normal state Extracellular fluid A 130 prostate gland removal buy confido 60 caps without a prescription. If the cortical collecting tubule tubular fluid inulin concentration is 40 mg/100 ml and plasma concentration of inulin is 2 man health 911 order 60caps confido otc. A 55-year-old male patient with hypertension has had his blood pressure reasonably well controlled by administration of a thiazide diuretic. At his last visit (6 months ago), his blood pressure was 130/75 mm Hg and his serum creatinine was 1 mg/100 ml. He has been exercising regularly for the past 2 years but recently has reported knee pain and began taking large amounts of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. When he arrives at your office, his blood pressure is 155/85 mm Hg and his serum creatinine is 2. A urine specimen reveals a Na+ concentration of 600 mmol/L and an osmolarity of 1200 mOsm/L. In each diagram, the normal state (orange and lavender) is superimposed on the abnormal state (dashed lines) to illustrate the shifts in the volume (width of rectangles) and total osmolarity (height of rectangles) of the extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid compartments. Which diagram represents the changes (after osmotic equilibrium) in extracellular and intracellular fluid volume and osmolarity after infusion of 2 liters of 3. Which diagram represents the changes (after osmotic equilibrium) in extracellular and intracellular fluid volume and osmolarity in a patient with severe "central" diabetes insipidus C) A 3% NaCl solution is hypertonic, and when infused intravenously, it would increase extracellular fluid volume and osmolarity, thereby causing water to flow out of the cell. This action would decrease intracellular fluid volume and further increase extracellular fluid volume. B) Partial obstruction of a major vein draining a tissue would increase capillary hydrostatic pressure in the tissue, which, in turn, would raise capillary fluid filtration and cause increases interstitial fluid volume, interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure, and lymph flow. The increased lymph flow would "wash out" proteins from the interstitial fluid, decreasing interstitial fluid protein concentration. C) the hypernatremia (plasma Na+ = 165 mmol/L) associated with a low blood pressure (88/44 mm Hg) suggests dehydration. The transient decrease in creatinine excretion would increase serum creatinine (to about four times normal), which would restore the filtered creatinine load to normal and therefore return urinary creatinine excretion to normal levels under steady-state conditions. Urinary sodium secretion would also decrease transiently but would be restored to normal so that intake and excretion of sodium are balanced. B) A 1% solution of dextrose is hypotonic, and when infused, it would increase both intracellular and extracellular fluid volumes while decreasing the osmolarity of these compartments. The reduced osmolarity, in turn, would cause water to flow into the cells and raise intracellular fluid volume. In the steady state, both extracellular and intracellular fluid volumes would increase, and osmolarity of both compartments would decrease. C) A 3% solution of NaCl is hypertonic, and when infused into the extracellular fluid, it would raise osmolarity, thereby causing water to flow out of the cells into the extracellular fluid until osmotic equilibrium is achieved. In the steady state, extracellular fluid volume would increase, intracellular fluid volume would decrease, and osmolarity of both compartments would increase. C) Aldosterone stimulates potassium secretion by the principal cells of the collecting tubules. Therefore, blockade of the action of aldosterone with spironolactone would inhibit potassium secretion. Other factors that stimulate potassium secretion by the cortical collecting tubule include increased potassium concentration, increased cortical collecting tubule flow rate (as would occur with high sodium intake or a diuretic that reduces proximal tubular sodium reabsorption), and acute alkalosis. When the transport maximum for reabsorbing phosphate is exceeded, the remaining phosphate in the renal tubules is excreted in the urine and can be used to buffer hydrogen ions and form titratable acid. Phosphate normally begins to spill into the urine when the concentration of extracellular fluid rises above a threshold of 0. B) As water flows up the ascending limb of the loop of Henle, solutes are reabsorbed, but this segment is relatively impermeable to water; progressive dilution of the tubular fluid occurs so that the osmolarity decreases to approximately 100 mOsm/L by the time the fluid reaches the early distal tubule. Even during maximal antidiuresis, this portion of the renal tubule is relatively impermeable to water and is therefore called the diluting segment of the renal tubule. As a result of increased urine volume, there is dehydration and increased plasma osmolarity and high plasma sodium concentration. The resulting decrease in extracellular fluid volume stimulates renin secretion, resulting in an increase in plasma renin concentration.
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B) the term homeostasis describes the maintenance of nearly constant conditions in the internal environment of the body prostate yoga poses discount confido american express, and diseases are generally considered to be states of disrupted homeostasis prostate cancer 4 big questions confido 60 caps free shipping. However, even in diseases, homeostatic compensatory mechanisms continue to operate in an attempt sustain body functions at levels that permit life to continue. These compensations may result in deviations from the normal level of some body functions as a "trade-off " that is necessary to maintain vital functions of the body. E) Membrane proteins are glycosylated during their synthesis in the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. K) the oligosaccharide chains that are added to glycoproteins on the luminal side of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and subsequently modified during their transport through the Golgi apparatus, are attached to the extracellular surface of the cell. This negatively charged layer of carbohydrate moieties is collectively called the glycocalyx. Fusion of endocytotic and autolytic vesicles with lysosomes initiates the intracellular process that allows cells to digest cellular debris and particles ingested from the extracellular milieu, including bacteria. In the normal acidic environment of the lysosome, acid lipases use hydrogen to convert lipids into fatty acids and glycerol. Other acid lipases include a variety of nucleases, proteases, and polysaccharidehydrolyzing enzymes. E) Secreted proteins are condensed, sorted, and packaged into secretory vesicles in the terminal portions of the Golgi apparatus, also known as the trans-Golgi network. It is here that proteins destined for secretion are separated from those destined for intracellular compartments or cellular membranes. I) Initiation of translation, whether of a cytosolic protein, a membrane-bound protein, or a secreted protein, occurs in the cytosol and involves a common pool of ribosomes. Only after the appearance of the N-terminus of the polypeptide is it identified as a protein destined for secretion. At this point, the ribosome attaches to the cytosolic surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Translation continues, and the new polypeptide is extruded into the matrix of the endoplasmic reticulum. B) All transcription events occur in the nucleus, regardless of the final destination of the protein product. A) Autophagy is a housekeeping process by which obsolete organelles and large protein aggregates are degraded and recycled (see figure at right). Worn-out cell organelles are transferred to lysosomes by double membrane structures called autophagosomes that are formed in the cytosol. Pinocytosis involves invagination of the cell membrane, whereas phagocytosis involves evagination. Phagocytosis is not spontaneous and is selective, being triggered by specific receptor-ligand interactions. A) An oncogene is a gene that is either abnormally activated or mutated in such a way that its product causes uncontrolled cell growth. By definition, protooncogenes are divided into several families of proteins, all of which participate in the control of cell growth. These families include, but are not limited to , growth factors and their receptors, protein kinases, transcription factors, and proteins that regulate cell proliferation. C) Inactivation of anti-oncogenes, also called tumor suppressor genes, can allow activation of oncogenes that lead to cancer. B) Positive feedback in a system generally promotes instability, rather than stability, and in some cases even death. One example is the nerve action potential where stimulation of the nerve membrane causes a slight leakage of sodium that causes more opening of sodium channels, more change of potential, and more opening of channels until an explosion of sodium entering the interior of the nerve fiber creates the action potential. Feed-forward control is used to apprise the brain whether a muscle movement is performed correctly. If not, the brain corrects the feed-forward signals that it sends to the muscles the next time the movement is required.
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