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By: O. Porgan, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, New York University Long Island School of Medicine

The modern scientific and medicalized construction of pain provides a totally different perspective blood pressure medication dizzy buy hyzaar 50mg on-line. Efforts to effect an epistemological compromise between the scientific objectivism and the non-scientific subjectivism has been a challenge for almost two centuries (Turk & Melzack blood pressure low diastolic order 50 mg hyzaar free shipping, 1992). Kaufman-Osborn (2002) has observed: To the biomedical researcher, pain is understood not as a manifestation of some disorder or malady stitched into the very seams of the cosmos, but as an aversive effect occasioned by changes in various etiological mechanisms, including sensory receptors, afferent neuronal relays, and spinal-cord, midbrain, or higher cortical modulating systems. Read as an indicator of nociception, as a sign or symptom of injury or disease, pain is to managed by removing its cause or, failing that, by administration of analgesia (p. In turn, it is through the vibratory matrix which sound provides that the deities themselves descend from the spiritual abode to participate in the world of man. In her examination of the function of dance in Nigeria, Harper concluded 40 that the main purpose of dance was to appease the supernatural powers, solicit divine protection, and give thanks to the guardian spirits of the community. From a biomedical standpoint, Graham-Pole (2000) noted that "dancing is good for your circulation, your balance, your fine muscle control, sense of self-esteem" (p. However, the foregoing phenomenological practices of using music to cure diseases have not gone without some challenges. Even though historical debates on the efficacy of music as a healing device are not the focus of this study, a few instances are worth mentioning. Early 19th century Americans used herbal remedies to deal with common discomforts, such as colds or constipation. As an opioid, snake oil, which had no addictive ingredients, was given without restriction (Carol, 2000). Just as more scientists questioned the efficacy of such remedies, Mullings (1984) questioned the legitimacy of music as a healing agent, branding it merely as "brainwashing" technique (p. Mullings observed that these changes promoted the disruption of old behavior patterns and facilitated the promotion of new ones. The drum has also long been used in tribal societies with holistic healing traditions while communicating with the gods. Cottrell also referred to current medical research, which has shown that stress is a cause of 98% of diseases, such as heart attacks, strokes, and immune system breakdowns. Rhythm is the element of music that distinguishes it from other auditory stimuli (Scartelli, 1989). Wertheim (1997) hypothesized that rhythm may have an impact on the entire cerebral cortex and large subcortical areas. This information reaches the medial geniculate by way of the ascending reticular formation. Ancient civilizations, such as those in Africa, however, do not relate to disease from this perspective. Their understanding of the disease etiology is embedded in their cosmological viewpoints. Even during improvisation, performers are expected to render an exact replica of a standardized musical practice. Such mythologies can relay regular and replicated rhythms to heal the person in an immediate and powerful way by removing blockages and releasing tension. The lead drummer plays a glissando by gliding the left hand from the middle of the drum to the edge (kusira ngoma). By doing this, the drummer not only offers an emotionally expressive pattern at the climax of the healing ritual, but he also provides functional significance to the healing process. During this moment, the drummer sedates the beneficial spirit (pepo) so that it can descend and exorcise the evil spirit from the patients. Kusira ngoma, which literally translates as "going beyond with music," is the climax of the healing ritual and its ultimate extreme. This is the stage at which the patient shivers, falls to the ground, and ultimately goes into a trance. Many theories have been postulated regarding the condition of a patient in a trance following a session of musical healing. Some patients may be possessed by the pepo that comes with the music, which causes them to run away from home.

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