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By: T. Cyrus, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Program Director, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

The nurse has a significant role and responsibility in identifying the health patterns of the person receiving care hypertension lifestyle modifications generic benicar 10 mg with mastercard. If those patterns are not achieving physiologic heart attack 6 hours benicar 10 mg overnight delivery, psychological, and social balance, the nurse is obligated, with the assistance and agreement of the patient, to seek ways to promote balance. Although this chapter has presented some physiologic mechanisms and perspectives on health and disease, the way that one copes with stress, the way one relates to others, and the values and goals held are also interwoven into those physiologic patterns. Specific problems and their nursing management are addressed in greater depth in other chapters. Critical Thinking Exercises Think about a patient who has survived a major motor vehicle crash and is hospitalized for severe burns, a fractured hip, and multiple lacerations and abrasions. A 50-year-old woman is diagnosed with osteoporosis after sustaining a rib fracture. What indications would the nurse note in her interactions and follow-up care for this patient that demonstrate that the woman uses problemfocused coping and emotion-focused coping Describe the manner in which homeostasis has been maintained or disrupted and the compensatory mechanisms that are evident. How do you determine the nursing interventions that are appropriate for promoting the healing process A family composed of two parents, two adolescent male sons, and the maternal grandfather explore with the nurse their health promotion needs. What interventions would the nurse initiate to promote a healthier lifestyle for this family Groups have been formed by parents of children with leukemia, people with ostomies, mastectomy patients, and those with other kinds of cancer or other serious diseases, chronic illnesses, and disabilities. Stress and coping: State of the science and implications for nursing theory, research and practice. Effects of stress on the neurochemistry and morphology of the brain: Counterregulation versus damage. Homeostasis, Stress, and Adaptation 97 Journals Asterisks indicate nursing research articles. Major strain and coping strategies as reported by family members who care for aged demented relatives. Identification of environmental stressors for patients in a surgical intensive care unit. Personality, endocrine and immune changes after eight months in healthy individuals under normal daily stress. Motivation and the coping process of adults with disabilities: A qualitative study. The relationship between stress and the development of breast cancer: A literature review. Personality and coping: Their influence on affect and behavior following myocardial infarction. The relation of work stress, hardiness, and burnout among full-time hospital staff nurses. Negative life experiences, depression, and immune function in abused and non-abused women. Perceived discomfort and related coping phenomenon in patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Stress and quality of life in the renal transplant patient: A preliminary investigation. Resilience in a multicultural sample of community-dwelling women older than age 85. Chronic stress modulates the virus-specific immune response to latent herpes simplex virus type 1.

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Every nurse must be vigilant about the patient who worries excessively and demonstrates deterioration in emotional blood pressure normal order benicar 10 mg amex, social blood pressure chart based on height and weight discount 10mg benicar fast delivery, or occupational functioning. If participation in the therapeutic regimen (eg, administration of insulin) becomes a problem because of extreme anxiety, nursing interventions must be immediately initiated. Caring strategies emphasize ways for the patient to verbalize feelings and fears and to identify sources of anxiety. The need to teach and promote effective coping abilities and the use of relaxation techniques are the priorities of care. Chart 7-8 provides a list of basic nursing principles that are useful for assisting patients to manage severe anxiety. Chapter 6 presents additional information about stress and the relaxation response. Patients who have suffered a traumatic event are often frequent users of the health care system by virtue of their extensive injuries, the various treatment modalities that they require, and the overall emotional and physical difficulties experienced. The physiologic responses noted in people who have been severely traumatized include increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, increased plasma catecholamine levels, and increased urinary epinephrine and norepinephrine levels. The resulting excessive arousal can increase overall body metabolism and trigger emotional reactivity. In this situation, the nurse would observe that the patient has difficulty sleeping, has an exaggerated startle response, and is excessively vigilant. Study Sample and Design A total of 225 consecutive patients going to a local cancer clinic were invited to complete a questionnaire packet. It was further reported by the women that the interpersonal and relational facets of their illnesses were more stressful and were the most difficult aspects of having cancer. Men indicated that their stress was associated with the work role and loss of finances. Nursing Implications Some women find the experience of cancer treatment to be very difficult. Overall, women need support from health care professionals, additional control over their treatment, opportunity to tell their stories and concerns, support groups, and access to complementary therapies. Depression Depression is a common response to health problems and is an often underdiagnosed problem in the patient population. People may become depressed as a result of injury or illness; may be suffering from an earlier loss that is compounded by a new health problem; or they may seek health care for somatic complaints that are bodily manifestations of depression. Clinical depression is distinguished from everyday feelings of sadness by its duration and severity. Most people occasionally feel down or depressed, but these feelings are short-lived and do not result in impaired functioning. Clinically depressed people usually have had signs of a depressed mood or a decreased interest in pleasurable activities for at least a 2-week period. An obvious impairment in social, occupational, and overall daily functioning occurs in some people. Others function appropriately in their interactions with the outside world by exerting great effort and forcing themselves to mask their distress. Sometimes they are successful at camouflaging their depression for months or years and astonish family members and others when they finally succumb to the problem. A diagnosis of clinical depression is made when a person presents with at least five of nine diagnostic criteria for depression. Unfortunately, only one of three depressed people is properly diagnosed and appropriately treated. In the United States, about 15% of severely depressed people commit suicide, and two-thirds of patients who have committed suicide had been seen by health care practitioners during the month before their death (National Institute of Mental Health, 1999). When patients make statements that are self-deprecating, express feelings of failure, or are convinced that things are hopeless and will not improve, they may be at risk for suicide. Depression can occur at any age, and it is diagnosed more frequently in women than in men. The depression is undiagnosed about half of the time and masquerades as physical health problems (Carson, 1999). People with depression also exhibit poor functioning and high rates of absenteeism from work and school.

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  • Other medical conditions in the mother (such as tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands that release male hormones)
  • Trauma or foreign body
  • Stroke
  • Wheezing
  • Spread of infection to other areas of the body resulting in brain abscess, endocarditis, pneumonia, or other complications
  • Gonorrhea
  • If you have bleeding problems or if you take blood thinning medicines such as warfarin, clopidigrel, or aspirin
  • A major pair in front of the ears (parotid glands)
  • Follow a healthy diet and lifestyle to prevent atherosclerosis