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By: S. Rune, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

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However symptoms 10 days before period discount domperidone 10 mg with visa, this happens simultaneously with another person reading conventional love poetry medicine 19th century order domperidone with a visa, while a third barks orders at the participants (`Hurry up! Tomбs Pospiszyl has argued that the circulation of public letters has a long tradition in Czech art history; see Pospiszyl, Srovnбvacн Studie, Prague: Agite/Fra, 2005. Vladimнr Boudnнk wrote hundreds of letters each year (produced as prints) and sent them to significant figures and organisations such as embassies, the United Nations, the Pope, etc. Knнzбk is one of the few artists of this period to keep a track record of audience response to some of his works, although this is invariably a catalogue of reactions without analysis. See also his documentation of People Who Were Given Paper Planes on October 3, 1965, in Knнzбk, Invollstandige Dokumentation/Some Documentary 1961­1979, Berlin: Edition Ars Viva, 1980, pp. Milan Knнzбk and Jan Maria Mach, `An Event for the Post Office, the Police, and the Occupants of no. Knнzбk claims that this work was first produced in 1966 in Prague but there is no documentary evidence to support this. A full transcript, plus two accounts by participants, can be found in Geoffrey Hendricks (ed. Milan Knнzбk, Travel Book, English translation by Paul Wilson in Claire Bishop and Marta Dzeiwaska (eds. In the Museum of Modern Art I saw a fantastic Pollock and a Mathies and it seemed to me less academic than when Dick Higgins, on a darkened stage, shouts beautifully and savagely. This is not only because we often know them by names and that they know very well that they are taking part in an art action. They know that the photographs will be seen by a large secondary audience and maybe by the police, who can decode them as a disturbance of the peace. Just the fact that they are present and photographed means they become part of the event. Even if they remain passive during the whole event, they are participants, accomplices. However, it remains debatable to what extent Mlynбrcik actually did inform on fellow artists or was expected simply to report on his numerous travels abroad; this may simply have been a concession he was willing to make in order to be afforded more artistic freedom and travel. Knнzбk, by contrast, was Chancellor of the Prague Academy of Fine Arts (1990­97) and director 324 n ot e s t o pag e s 14 1 ­ 2 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 general of the National Gallery in Prague (1999­2009), and is viewed today as a right-wing, nationalist figure of the establishment. For an examination of parallels between the 1960s and 1990s generations of Slovak art see Mбria Hlavajovб (ed. Koller is paired with Roman Ondбk, Stano Filko with Boris Ondreicka, and Jana elibska with Elena Pдtoprstб. Andrea Batorova has argued that these dates were not selected for political reasons, merely as a suitable time frame: `They selected a "natural" time frame for their projects, one that existed in reality; within this, real people in their real surroundings and real time could participate in the project. See Groys, the Total Art of Stalinism, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992. They are citing the Happsoc manifesto, a variant translation of which can be found in Pospiszyl and Hoptman (eds. Like Knнzбk, Slovak artists rejected the Happenings for their theatricality, particularly the eroticised spectacles of Jean-Jacques Lebel. Rather than seizing the city as a ready-made, it requested a small-scale simultaneity of events from its participants. The schema is not unlike the small collective actions required of participants (sometimes an entire village) by the young Czech artist Katerina Sedб. But if the Slovakian artists operate on the basis of playful hommage to their international colleagues (which was not censored), the Argentinians are more analytical; performance reenactments (discussed in Chapter 4) became a way to analyse, criticise and surpass the works of their better-known contemporaries from the hegemonic centre. He realized a lot of decorative projects for architecture, paintings, sculptures, glass works and metal works and he dedicated all earnings to his manifestations, interpretations, games and celebrations. All artists were required to have a job, of which the highest paid was to produce monumental commissions for new architectural projects (Filko); other professions include teaching art (Koller), designing film posters (Knнzбk), and working in the zoo (Peter Bartos) or museums (Kovanda, Stembera, Miler). Thus it was that an electrician and his wife who would have hoped for useful presents hailing from the West actually found themselves with a collection of Cйsar, Nikos, Niki de Saint-Phalle, Bertini, Hains. Still, when compared to the situation in the mid-1940s, in some ways the economic situation for ordinary persons improved.

The principal or immediate supervisor of a provisional educator shall assign a mentor to the provisional educator symptoms enlarged spleen cheap domperidone 10mg on-line. Mentoring is defined as the pairing of a mentor with an educator who is either new to the profession or new to the A mentor is an experienced educator who has demonstrated high-quality instructional practice and who has been provided training in mentoring treatment jiggers order domperidone australia. The board shall allocate, from any appropriated funds, moneys to participating school divisions to support mentor teacher programs which shall include, but not be limited to , compensation for Mentor programs shall mentor teachers. The board of education is required to establish mentor teacher programs utilizing specially trained public school teachers as mentors to provide assistance and professional support to teachers entering the profession and to improve the performance of experienced teachers who are not performing at an acceptable level. Following the adoption of the Education Accountability and Quality Enhancement Act in 2000, mentors are required for every beginning teacher. In order to be nominated to serve as a mentor teacher, the teacher shall be a superior teacher based on his or her evaluations and hold a valid continuing or standard certificate. The teacher stipend is the amount paid by a school district to a teacher for participation in a teacher assistance program. The beginning teacher internship program shall consist of the following components: a professional support team; an orientation program to be conducted prior to the beginning of the instructional term and supervised by the mentor teacher; the scheduling of joint planning periods for the mentor and beginning teacher throughout the school year; mentor observation of the classroom teaching skills of the beginning teacher; weekly meetings between the mentor and the beginning teacher to discuss the performance of the beginning teacher and any needed improvements; monthly meetings of the professional support team to discuss the performance of the beginning teacher; inservice professional development programs; and a final evaluation of the performance of the beginning teacher completed by the principal recommending professional status, continuing internship status of discontinuation of employment. The employing school district must insure that the initial educator be provided with a qualified mentor by the employing school district. The beginning teacher internship program allows for the provision of necessary release time from regular duties for the mentor teacher, as agreed to by the principal and the mentor teacher, and a stipend of at least $600 for the mentor teacher. All individuals granted a professional teaching certificate must complete a state-sanctioned beginning educator internship program of continuing professional development designed to assist the educator during the first year or two of employment by providing a mentor to guide him/her during the transition to a new job assignment. New and beginning teachers are considered teachers with no prior experience teaching in a classroom and do not include teachers who pursue Alternate Routes to Certification. The first outlines the differences between induction programs and mentoring for new and beginning teachers, defines these terms that are often used synonymously, and identifies programs in states and districts. Induction programs are comprehensive initiations or introductions to a position that provide inexperienced teachers with the necessary models and tools for beginning their teaching careers, as well as specific guidance aimed at helping 1 them meet performance standards. Induction may include mentoring, assistance in planning, professional development 2 and evaluation. Synonyms for induction include: support, orientation, training, internship, assistance or assessment programs, retention programs, beginning new teacher program, transitional program for existing teacher, cohort program, phase-in, professional development and workshops. Research indicates that if teachers have support and training they are much more likely to stay in the profession which ultimately leads to an increase in teacher retention rates. First-year teachers are typically assigned to the same tasks, in and out of the classroom, as a more experienced teacher. They also claim that teachers who have no induction programs are twice as likely to leave within the first three years of teaching. The following map shows which states and territories have policies establishing induction programs for new and beginning teachers. States with Induction Programs No Policy States with Induction Programs Guam and Puerto Rico have Induction Programs. The commission and the superintendent establish requirements for local teacher induction programs. The New Teacher Mentoring/Induction Program is a three-year induction program for beginning teachers to include mentoring by highly trained and well-qualified mentors and mentor teams. X X Project Hеtsa is a Guam Public School System Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant. The overall goal of the project is to increase student achievement through improved teacher quality. Goal 4 has two objectives which are to increase the likelihood of teacher retention by providing systemic mentor training and induction support from trained mentors, and revision of professional growth requirements. Each public school, or two or more public schools acting jointly, must develop a new teacher induction and mentoring program to assist new teachers in developing the skills and strategies necessary for instructional excellence, provided that funding is made available by the state board of education. New teachers are also required to participate in order to receive a Standard Teaching Certificate. The beginning teacher mentoring and induction plan must at a minimum, provide for a two-year sequence of induction program content and activities to support the Iowa teaching standards and beginning teacher professional and personal needs; mentor training that includes, at a minimum, skills of classroom demonstration and coaching and district expectations for beginning teacher competence on Iowa teaching standards; placement of mentor and beginning teachers; the process for dissolving mentor and beginning teacher partnerships; district organizational support for release time for mentors and beginning teachers; structure for mentor selection and assignment to beginning teachers; a district facilitator; and program evaluation. In addition, it links professional development opportunities, school improvement initiatives and appraisal with a mentoring system designed to support the teacher in mastering the many aspects related to teaching and learning.

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It is very difficult to imagine the possibility of political agency in a situation of absolute power symptoms of pneumonia order 10 mg domperidone with mastercard. Althusserianism the ideas of Louis Althusser have had an enormous influence on cultural theory and popular culture treatment yeast infection nipples breastfeeding order 10 mg domperidone fast delivery. Althusser begins by rejecting mechanistic interpretation of the base/superstructure formulation, insisting instead on the concept of the social formation. According to Althusser (1969), a social formation consists of three practices: the economic, the political and the ideological. The relationship between the base and the superstructure is not one of expression, i. Under feudalism, for example, the political was the dominant Althusserianism 71 level. Nevertheless, the practice that is dominant in a particular social formation will depend on the specific form of economic production. The economic is determinant in the last instance, not because the other instances are its epiphenomena, but because it determines which practice is dominant. In volume one of Capital, Marx (1976c) makes a similar point in response to criticisms suggesting definite limits to the critical reach of Marxist analysis: [Marxism, so its critics say,] is all very true for our own time, in which material interests are preponderant, but not for the Middle Ages, dominated by Catholicism, nor for Athens and Rome, dominated by politics. One thing is clear: the Middle Ages could not live on Catholicism, nor could the ancient world on politics. On the contrary, it is the manner in which they gained their livelihood which explains why in one case politics, in the other case Catholicism, played the chief part. And then there is Don Quixote, who long ago paid the penalty for wrongly imagining that knight errantry was compatible with all economic forms of society (176). Althusser produced three definitions of ideology, two of which have proved particularly fruitful for the student of popular culture. It accomplishes this by offering false, but seemingly true, resolutions to real problems. The relationship is both real and imaginary in the sense that ideology is the way we live our relationship to the real conditions of existence at the level of representations (myths, concepts, ideas, images, discourses): there are real conditions and there are the 72 Chapter 4 Marxisms ways we represent these conditions to ourselves and to others. This applies to both dominant and subordinate classes; ideologies do not just convince oppressed groups that all is well with the world, they also convince ruling groups that exploitation and oppression are really something quite different, acts of universal necessity. Because ideology is for Althusser a closed system, it can only ever set itself such problems as it can answer; that is, to remain within its boundaries (a mythic realm without contradictions), it must stay silent on questions which threaten to take it beyond these boundaries. According to Althusser a problematic consists of the assumptions, motivations, underlying ideas, etc. In this way, it is argued, a text is structured as much by what is absent (what is not said) as by what is present (what is said). The task of an Althusserian critical practice is to deconstruct the text to reveal the problematic. But what distinguishes this new reading from the old is the fact that in the new one the second text is articulated with the lapses in the first text (Althusser and Balibar, 1979: 67). For example, a symptomatic reading of the film Taxi Driver would reveal a problematic in which answers are posed to questions it can hardly name: `How does the Veteran return home to America after the imperial horrors of Vietnam? Another example can be seen in the number of recent car advertisements that situate vehicles isolated in nature (for example, see Photos 4. This mode of advertising, I would argue, is a response to the growing body of negative publicity which car ownership has attracted (especially in terms of pollution and road congestion). To prevent this publicity having an adverse effect on car sales these criticisms have to be countered. To confront them in a direct way would always run the risk of allowing the criticisms to come between the car being advertised and any potential buyer. Therefore, showing cars in both nature (unpolluted) and space (uncongested) confronts the claims without the risk of giving them a dangerous and unnecessary visibility. In this way, the criticisms are answered without the questions themselves having been formally posed. The answer given, without the question being asked, is that this car, as if by magic, neither pollutes nor contributes to road congestion. For him the text is not a puzzle that conceals a meaning; it is a construction with a multiplicity of meanings. To do so it is necessary to break with the idea that a text is a harmonious unity, spiralling forth from a moment of overwhelming intentionality.

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Understanding the structure and function of surface receptors has grown into one of the great thrusts of pharmaceutical R&D, pursued in the belief it will uncover as yet unknown approaches to treatment of diseases hitherto intractable. There are 20 common amino acids in cells, each with a common chemical unit called the peptide group. Each amino acid in a protein serves as a chemical module: the peptide units confer structural stability and link the modules together, while chemical groups attached to the peptide backbone confer the distinctive structural and fictional properties. The amino acid proline, for example, introduces turns into the protein backbone, while cysteine can form bridges with other cysteines located on different protein chains or remote parts of the same chain. Some amino acids prefer lipid (fatty) environments, providing stability in cell membranes, while others are highly soluble in water. Some proteins can be transported outside cells to lay down a matrix, such as the collagen that constitutes the bulk of bone and cartilage. Others act as enzymes to carry out the biochemical reactions taking place in cells at every moment. The enormous diversity that is possible when hundreds of amino acids are strung together produces a correspondingly large range of functions in the proteins they form, despite the simplicity of the constituent amino acid components. Pharmaceutical firms track research by talking to scientists and reading the scientific literature. They maintain in-house research teams, often doing research parallel to that performed in academic centers. New ideas may originate in corporate research efforts or in the academic ones; examples of both abound. Some organize according to treatment category, assembling teams to focus on finding drugs to treat a disease or organ system; for example, entire firms are dedicated to research on cardiovascular drugs. Some firms make researchtargeting decisions in committees, others delegate great authority to research directors who informally circulate in the firm and among academic groups, and still others have strong central direction. All attempt to manage innovation by balancing an endless supply of possible research directions against a need to produce salable products. Proteins are involved in virtually every cellular process and are components in most 114 I Pharmaceutical R&D: Costs, Risks and Rewards cellular structures. Proteins have been a major preoccupation of biochemistry and molecular biology since the inception of those scientific fields. One classic technique is to isolate an enzyme to near purity, then to attempt to study the chemical reaction it mediates in great detail. This is a key strategy in dissecting the biochemical pathways of energy metabolism, biosynthesis, and degradation. The diverse shapes and chemical constituents that result from the chain of amino acids become proteins that form the structural supports and perform the biological functions for cells and tissues. Producing large amounts of the protein in bacterial cells is a boon to prospects of crystallizing proteins for crystallographic analysis; it also produces ample supplies for further biochemical analysis. One disadvantage of the process is that bacterial cells may not process the protein in exactly the same way as the cells in which the gene normally resides. Polysaccharides may not be added appropriately, for example, or the protein may fold somewhat differently because processing enzymes are not present in bacteria. By introducing such mutations at specified sites, one amino acid can substitute for another at specific points in the protein peptide chain. To study the binding site of a receptor molecule, for example, the amino acids at that site can be replaced by those with similar, or with vastly different, chemical properties to assess the impact on ligand binding. The active sites for enzyme activity can be similarly studied by targeting just those amino acids thought to be important. At the level of organ systems, proteins regulate immune responses, cell growth cycles, hormone responses, and many other functions.

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