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By: Y. Altus, M.A.S., M.D.

Deputy Director, UCSF School of Medicine

Thechallengeforthephysi cian is to identify children with other treatment concussion cheap arava 10 mg on line, less common symptoms 0f ovarian cancer discount arava 10 mg on-line, clinically significant causes of recurrent or persistent cough(Box16. Although there is usually associated wheeze and breathlessness, some timesthewheezingisnotrecognisedornotdescribed 1 2 3 Respiratory disorders 293 4 salbutamol. For intravenous aminophylline, a loading dose is given over 20min, followed by continuous infusion. Thereisincreasingevidencethatintravenous magnesium sulphate is helpful in lifethreatening asthma. Occasionally, these measures are insufficient and artificial ventilation is required. Patients with troublesome asthma are usually given a supply of oral steroids to keep at home, with instructions in the asthma action planonwhentostartthem. Identifyingwheezeonauscultationduring an acute episode is helpful to make the diagnosis. However, many children with persistent cough without wheeze are treated incorrectly as asthmatics. Iftheclinicalfeaturesarenotsuggestiveofasthmaor if initial treatment is not beneficial, other diagnoses shouldbeconsideredorthechildreferredtoapaedia trician with a specialist interest in respiratory disorders. Persistentcoughafteranacuteinfectionmayindi catecysticfibrosisorunresolvedlobarcollapse,which will be seen on a chest Xray. If both parents smoke, young children are twice as likely to have recurrent cough and wheeze than in nonsmoking households. Some older children and adolescents develop a barking,unproductive,habitcoughfollowinganinfec tion or anasthma attack. Generalised bronchiectasis may be due to cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary dyskinesia, immuno deficiency or chronic aspiration. Focal bronchiectasis is due to previous severe pneumonia, congenital lung abnormalityorobstructionbyaforeignbody(seeCase History16. In primary ciliary dyskinesia there is congenital abnormality in the structure or function of cilia. Affectedchil dren have recurrent infection of the upper and lower respiratorytract,whichifuntreatedmayleadtosevere bronchiectasis. Theycharacteristicallyhavearecurrent productive cough, purulent nasal discharge and chronicearinfections;50%alsohavedextrocardiaand situsinversus(Kartagenersyndrome). Thediagnosisis madeinaspecialistlaboratorybyexaminationofthe structure and function of the cilia of nasal epithelial cellsbrushedfromthenose. Children with immunodeficiency may develop severe, unusual or recurrent chest infections. Tuberculosisremainsanimportantcauseofchronic lunginfectionandallchildrenwithapersistentproduc tive cough should have a chest Xray and tuberculin skin test. Persistentinflammationofthelowerairwaysdriven bychronicinfectionofthelowerrespiratorytract(per sistent endobronchial infection) is increasingly recog nised as a cause of chronic wet cough in children. Persist ent endobronchial infection is often improved with early access to oral antibiotics or on occasions long termprophylacticantibiotics. This leads to damage of the bronchial wall, bronchiectasisandabscessformation(Fig. On examination there is hyper inflation of the chest due to air trapping, coarse inspiratorycrepitationsand/orexpiratorywheeze. In the airways this leads to reduction in the airway surface liquid layer and consequent impaired ciliary function and retention of mucopurulent secretions.

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The penetrability and quality of the primary x-ray beam is controlled by the selection of the kVp range medicine rocks state park cheap arava 20 mg fast delivery. The higher the kVp treatment of chlamydia discount arava 20 mg without prescription, the greater the penetrating ability of the primary x-ray beam. The intensity of the primary x-ray beam is directly proportional to the kVp selected on the control console. This means that by increasing the kVp, the quantity of radiation can be increased. The quantity of radiation is affected by the inverse square law, which states that the intensity (quantity) is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. The ultimate goal of any radiographic examination is to produce diagnostic quality radiography images, which accurately projects the anatomy on the image. Geometric properties are those factors that affect recorded detail and distortion. Recorded detail refers to the sharpness of the structural lines that make up the recorded detail. During the x-ray exposure, any motion of the x-ray tube, patient, part, or 73 image receptor decreases recorded detail. Factors controlling recorded detail include penumbra (geometric unsharpness), image receptor system speed, and motion unsharpness. Distortion refers to the radiographic misrepresentation of either the size (magnification) or shape of the anatomic part. Standardized Technique Charts Standardized technique charts accompany each imaging unit and provide a baseline for the selection of technical x-ray exposure factors. The type and amount of total x-ray tube filtration, and the type of grid(s) and collimation methods must also be considered when developing a standardized technique chart. The radiographer is responsible for selecting and manipulating these factors to produce a diagnostic image containing adequate optical density, radiographic contrast, image 74 detail, and no distortion. The four commonly recognized variations of radiographic exposure technique charts are: Variable kilovoltage; Fixed kilovoltage; High kilovoltage; and, Automatic exposure control. Most imaging centers will select a particular radiographic exposure system for each examination room. Although many factors determine the system selected, the final decision often depends upon the preferences of the imaging center director, staff radiologists, and medical physicists. Normalization is a process by which the computed radiography system automatically corrects for manually set and automatic exposure errors and allows for consistently optimized images. The variable kVp technique chart method is based on a fixed mAs value and kVp that varies according to the centimeter thickness of the anatomic part. This method generally uses lower kVp than the other methods and produces images with short-scale contrast. Short-scale contrast images exhibit black and white tones without various shading levels in between. This method results in a higher radiation dose to the patient and a short-scale or "high-contrast" image. The fixed kVp radiographic technique chart is the most commonly used x-ray exposure method used for large body areas such as the chest. As opposed to the variable kVp method, which generally uses kVp ranges near the minimum kVp latitude range for a given part, the fixed kVp method provides the optimum kVp. A fixed kVp level is set for each type of examination and does not vary according to the centimeter size of the part. For each imaging examination, the mAs value is changed according to the centimeter size of the part and to produce the optimum optical density required. Often, instead of measuring the exact centimeter size, the variable kVp exposure method is based on small, medium, or large size ranges. The use of higher kVp is ideal for chest radiography where detailed imaging of the pulmonary and mediastinal structures is required. All exposures for a specific body part use the 75 same kVp, and the mAs value would be adjusted. One concern with this method is that as the kVp increases and the mAs decreases, radiographic contrast is reduced.

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The groin swelling may becomevisibleonraisingtheintraabdominalpressure bygentlypressingontheabdomenoraskingthechild tocough lanza ultimate treatment arava 10 mg visa. An inguinal hernia in an infant may present as an irreducible lump in the groin or scrotum medications 2015 generic arava 10mg otc. Ifreduction is impossible, emergency surgery is required because oftheriskofstrangulationofbowelanddamagetothe testis. A patent processus vaginalis, which is sufficiently narrowtopreventtheformationofaninguinalhernia, may still allow peritoneal fluid to track down around thetestistoformahydrocele(Fig. Hydrocelesare asymptomatic scrotal swellings, often bilateral, and sometimes with a bluish discoloration. Undescended testis An undescended testis has been arrested along its normalpathwayofdescent(Fig. Atbirth,about 4% of fullterm male infants will have a unilateral or bilateral undescended testis (cryptorchidism). It is more common in preterm infants because testicular descentthroughtheinguinalcanaloccursinthethird trimester. Contrarytopreviousteaching,itisnowrecognisedthat occasionally a testis which is fully descended at birth can ascend to an inguinal position during childhood, 348 Internal inguinal ring Testis Vas deferens Testicular vessels Figure 19. The testes can then be broughtdownintoapalpablepositionbygentlymas sagingthecontentsoftheinguinalcanaltowardsthe scrotum. Classification Retractile Thetestiscanbemanipulatedintothebottomofthe scrotum without tension, but subsequently retracts intotheinguinalregion,pulledupbythecremasteric muscle. The testis has usually been found in the scrotum at a neonatal check and been noted by parents on bathing their baby. Occasionally,atestisis ectopic,whenitliesoutsideitsnormallineofdescent and may then be found in the perineum or femoral triangle. Genitalia 349 1 Testicular torsion Hydatid torsion Twisted hydatid Epididymitis Inflamed epididymis Incidence according to age 19 Genitalia Twisted epididymis and testis Epididymitis Incidence Hydatid Testicular torsion torsion Black testis (a) Testicular torsion Small hydrocele (b) Small Slightly hydrocele swollen testis (c) 5 10 Age (years) 15 (d) Figure 19. Surgery Most boys with an undescended testis undergo an orchidopexyviaaninguinalincision. Thetestisismobi lised,preservingthevasdeferensandtesticularvessels, the associated patent processus vaginalis is ligated and divided, and the testis is placed in the scrotal pouch. Orchidectomy is consid ered in rare circumstances of a very high testis in an older child or a unilateral intraabdominal testis in a postpubertal adolescent with a normal contralateral testis. Beforeconductinglaparoscopyinaperi ubertal p boy, baseline abdominal ultrasound scan and serum tumourmarkersarechecked. Althoughintraabdominal testes have profoundly defective spermatogenesis, theyarecapableofproducingmalehormones. Atypical presentation is not unusual and the testes must always be examined whenever a boy or young manpresentswithinguinalorlowerabdominalpainof suddenonset(seeCaseHistory19. An undescended testis is at increased risk of torsion and at increased risk of delayed diagnosis. ExpertDopplerultrasoundlooking atflowinthetesticularbloodvesselsmayallowtorsion ofthetestistobedifferentiatedfromepididymitis,but should not be used to diagnose torsion as only early surgicalcorrectionmaysalvagethetestis. Ifthereisany doubt about the cause of a painful scrotum, surgery shouldbeperformed. Varicocele Varicosities of the testicular veins may develop in boys around puberty. Treat ment is indicated for symptoms (dragging, aching), impairedtesticulargrowthand,inlaterlife,forinfertil ity. Obliterationofthetesticularveinscanbeachieved by conventional surgery, laparoscopic techniques or radiological embolisation. Torsion of testicular appendage A hydatid of Morgagni is an embryological remnant found on the upper pole of the testis.

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Children usually swallow sputum symptoms dizziness nausea buy genuine arava on-line, so gastric washingsonthreeconsecutivemorningsarerequired tovisualiseorcultureacidfastbacillioriginatingfrom thelung medicine man pharmacy buy arava 20 mg without prescription. Toobtainthese,anasogastrictubeispassed and secretions are rinsed out of the stomach with salinebeforefood. The sensitivity and specificity of these tests in different settings is beingevaluated,butitsroutineuseinclinicalpractice isincreasing. As most children are infected from a household contact,itisessentialtoscreenotherfamilymembers for the disease. Children who are exposed to smear positiveindividuals(whereorganismsarevisualisedon sputum)shouldbeassessedforevidenceofasympto matic infection. Some clini cians suggest that those who are Mantouxnegative and<5yearsoldshouldreceivechemoprophylaxis. However, the disease remains latent and may therefore develop into active disease at a later time. A Mantoux test may become positive and is sufficient evidence to initiate treatment. Symptomatic In this case the local host response fails to contain the inhaled tubercle bacilli, allowing spread via the lymphatic system to regional lymph nodes. The inflammatory reaction may lead to local enlargement of peribronchial lymph nodes which may cause bronchial obstruction, with collapse and consolidation of the affected lung. Although primary infection most commonly occurs in the lung, it may also involve other organs including gut, skin and superficial lymph nodes. Multiple sites may be colonised by metastatic lesions released during the primary infection. There is marked left hilar lymphadenopathy Dormancy and dissemination Both asymptomatic and symptomatic infections may become dormant but subsequently reactivate and spread by lymphohaematological routes. This was always fatal before antimicrobial therapy was available, and is still associated with significant morbidity and mortality if treatment is not initiated early in the disease. Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection There are numerous nontuberculous mycobacteria found in the environment. Immunocompetent indi viduals rarely suffer from diseases caused by these organisms. They occasionally cause persistent lymph adenopathyinyoungchildren,whichisusuallytreated surgically by complete node excision, as biopsy or partial excision may result in formation of a chronicfistula. Nontuberculous mycobacteria may cause disseminated infection in immune deficient individuals. Some asymptomatic children will only be identified in adolescence at routine screening follow ingdiagnosisinanotherfamilymember. Tropical infections Althoughtropicalinfectionsmustbeconsidered,chil drenwhohavebeenorareinthetropicsarestillsus ceptible to the usual range of childhood infections found. Thevirusmayalsobetrans ittedtochildrenby m infected blood products, contaminated needles or throughchildsexualabuse,butthisisuncommon. History of food, drink (infected water), accommodation (exposure to vectors), contacts, swimming (infected rivers and lakes). Examination Particular reference to: fever, jaundice, anaemia, enlarged liver or spleen. Causes over 700,000 child deaths in Africa each year, predominantly from Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The clinical features include fever (often not cyclical), diarrhoea, vomiting, flu-like symptoms, jaundice, anaemia and thrombocytopenia.

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