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By: H. Ines, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Vice Chair, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
High-frequency sounds produce a vibration of the basilar membrane at the base of the cochlea (near the oval and round windows); low-frequency sounds produce a vibration of the basilar membrane at the apex of the cochlea (near the helicotrema) blood pressure ranges nhs purchase 40 mg inderal. The modiolus is the bony center of the cochlea from which the basilar membrane emerges blood pressure of athletes purchase inderal with american express, the spiral ganglion contains the cell bodies of the auditory nerve fibers, and the stria vascularis is the vascular bed located on the outer wall of the scala media of the cochlea responsible for endolymph secretion. It is an abnormal reflex caused by damage to the corticospinal (pyramidal) tract that travels from the cortical motor cortex through the pyramids to the spinal cord. Other signs of pyramidal tract lesions include loss of the hopping and placing reaction, the cremasteric reflex, and the abdominal scratch reflex. Damage confined to the pyramidal tract results in distal muscular weakness and loss of fine motor control. Damage to other areas of the cortical motor control system is referred to as upper motor neuron disease and produces spasticity. Damage to the basal ganglia produces a variety of signs including dystonia (striatum), ballism (subthalamic nucleus), and tremor at rest (substantia nigra). Damaging the cerebellum causes uncoordinated movements (dysmetria, ataxia, intention tremor). These variations in activity are called circadian rhythms and are controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. The paraventricular nucleus secretes oxytocin and vasopressin, the ventromedial and lateral nuclei control food intake, and the arcuate nucleus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone. The increase in Cl conductance causes a partial depolarization of the presynaptic nerve ending and a decrease in the magnitude of the action potential in the presynaptic nerve ending. Because the number of synaptic vesicles released from the presynaptic neuron is proportional to the magnitude of the action potential, fewer vesicles are released and magnitude of the postsynaptic potential is reduced. Reducing the magnitude of the postsynaptic potential decreases the probability that an action potential will be generated by the postsynaptic cell. Presynaptic inhibition does not change the membrane potential of the a motoneuron. If it affects the same half of 128 Physiology the visual field on both eyes, it is called a homonymous hemianopia. Bitemporal hemianopia (D) results from more symmetric compression of the optic chiasm, as may occur with pituitary adenoma, meningioma, glioma, or aneuysm. Compression of the optic chiasm by the pituitary gland damages the nasal portion of each optic nerve, which produces a loss of vision in the temporal visual field of both eyes. The pathway conveying ischemic pain to the brain is called the paleospinothalamic system. In contrast, well-localized pain sensations are carried within the neospinothalamic tract. Pain is produced by specific nociceptors and not by intense stimulation of other mechanical, thermal, or chemical receptors. Core body temperature, the temperature of the deep tissues of the body, is detected by thermoreceptors located within the anterior hypothalamus. The anterior hypothalamus also contains neurons responsible for initiating reflexes, such as vasodilation and sweating, which are designed to reduce body temperature. Heat-producing reflexes, such as shivering, and heat-maintenance reflexes, such as vasoconstriction, are initiated by neurons located within the posterior hypothalamus. The syndrome is characterized by excessive sexual behavior and a tendency to examine objects orally. The full syndrome is rarely encountered Neurophysiology Answers 129 in humans but many of its characteristics are observed in patients with bilateral temporal lobe lesions produced by encephalitis or traumatic injury. Light causes the rods and cones to hyperpolarize by activating a G protein called transducin, which leads to the closing of Na+ channels. Touch receptors are activated by opening channels through which both Na+ and K+ can flow. Smell and taste receptors are activated by G protein-mediated mechanisms, some of which cause the receptor cell to depolarize; other G proteins cause the release of synaptic transmitter without any change in membrane potential. When the ciliary muscle contracts, it pulls the suspensory ligaments toward the cornea, which causes the lens surface to bulge, increasing its refractive power. The muscles of the iris control the size of the pupils, and the extraocular muscles control the position of the eye in the socket.
Distractibility (Criterion B5) is evidenced by an inability to censor immaterial external stimuli blood pressure pills joint pain buy inderal once a day. The increase in goal-directed activity often consists of excessive planning and partici pation in multiple activities prehypertension while pregnant discount inderal online master card, including sexual, occupational, political, or religious activi ties. Some individuals write excessive letters, e-mails, text messages, and so forth, on many different topics to friends, public figures, or the media. The increased activity criterion can be difficult to ascertain in children; however, when the child takes on many tasks simultaneously, starts devising elaborate and unrealistic plans for projects, develops previously absent and developmentally inappropriate sexual preoccupations (not accounted for by sexual abuse or exposure to sexually explicit mate rial), then Criterion B might be met based on clinical judgment. The expansive mood, excessive optimism, grandiosity, and poor judgment often lead to reckless involvement in activities such as spending sprees, giving away possessions, reckless driving, foolish business investments, and sexual promiscuity that is unusual for the individual, even though these activities are likely to have catastrophic consequences (Criterion B7). The individual may purchase many unneeded items without the money to pay for them and^ in some cases, give them away. Sexual behavior may include infidelity or indiscriminate sexual encounters with strangers, often disregarding the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or interpersonal consequences. The manic episode must result in marked impairment in social or occupational func tioning or require hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others. By definition, the presence of psychotic features during a manic episode also satisfies Criterion C. Manic symptoms or syndromes that are attributable to the physiological effects of a drug of abuse. Caution is indicated so that one or two symptoms (particularly increased irritability, edginess, or agitation follow ing antidepressant use) are not taken as sufficient for diagnosis of a manic or hypomanie episode, nor necessarily an indication of a bipolar disorder diathesis. It is necessary to meet criteria for a manic episode to make a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, but it is not re quired to have hypomanie or major depressive episodes. Associated Features Supporting Diagnosis E>uring a manic episode, individuals often do not perceive that they are ill or in need of treat ment and vehemently resist efforts to be treated. Individuals may change their dress, makeup, or personal appearance to a more sexually suggestive or flamboyant style. Some individuals may become hostile and physically threatening to others and, when delusional, may become physically assaultive or suicidal. Depressive symptoms may occur during a manic episode and, if present, may last moments, hours, or, more rarely, days (see "with mixed features" specifier, pp. Prevalence the 12-month prevalence estimate in the continental United States was 0. Development and Course Mean age at onset of the first manic, hypomanie, or major depressive episode is approxi mately 18 years for bipolar I disorder. Since children of the same chronological age may be at different developmental stages, it is difficult to define with precision what is 'normal" or "ex pected" at any given point. More than 90% of individuals who have a single manic episode go on to have recurrent mood episodes. Approximately 60% of manic episodes occur immediately before a major depressive episode. Individuals with bipolar I disorder who have multiple (four or more) mood episodes (major depressive, manic, or hypomanie) within 1 year receive the speci fier "with rapid cycling. Separated, divorced, or widowed individuals have higher rates of bipolar I disorder than do individuals who are married or have never been married, but the direction of the association is unclear. A family history of bipolar disorder is one of the strongest and most consistent risk factors for bipolar disorders. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder likely share a ge netic origin, reflected in familial co-aggregation of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. After an individual has a manic episode with psychotic features, subse quent manic episodes are more likely to include psychotic features. Incomplete inter episode recovery is more common when the current episode is accompanied by moodincongruent psychotic features. Culture-Related Diagnostic Issues Little information exists on specific cultural differences in the expression of bipolar I dis order. One possible explanation for this may be that diagnostic instruments are often translated and applied in different cultures with no transcultural validation. Gender-Related Diagnostic Issues Females are more likely to experience rapid cycling and mixed states, and to have patterns of comorbidity that differ from those of males, including higher rates of lifetime eating disor ders. They also have a higher lifetime risk of alcohol use disorder than are males and a much greater likelihood of alcohol use disorder than do females in the general population. Suicide Risk the lifetime risk of suicide in individuals with bipolar disorder is estimated to be at least 15 times that of the general population.
Ruptured aneurysm (instant onset) heart attack exo lyrics order generic inderal line, cluster headache (peak over 3 5 min) blood pressure chart dogs buy inderal 40 mg, and migraine (onset over minutes to hours) differ in time to peak intensity. Migraine Classic Migraine Onset usually in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood; however, initial attack may occur at any age. Migraine Migraine without aura Migraine with aura Ophthalmoplegic migraine Retinal migraine Childhood periodic syndromes that may be precursors to or associated with migraine Migrainous disorder not fulfilling above criteria 2. Tension-type headache Episodic tension-type headache Chronic tension-type headache 3. Cluster headache and chronic paroxysmal hemicrania Cluster headache Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania 4. Miscellaneous headaches not associated with structural lesion Idiopathic stabbing headache External compression headache Cold stimulus headache Benign cough headache Benign exertional headache Headache associated with sexual activity 5. Headache associated with head trauma Acute posttraumatic headache Chronic posttraumatic headache 6. Headache associated with vascular disorders Acute ischemic cerebrovascular disorder Intracranial hematoma Subarachnoid hemorrhage Unruptured vascular malformation Arteritis Carotid or vertebral artery pain Venous thrombosis Arterial hypertension Other vascular disorder 7. Focal neurologic disturbances without headache or vomiting (migraine equivalents) may also occur. Common Migraine Unilateral or bilateral headache with nausea, but no focal neurologic symptoms. Headache associated with substances or their withdrawal Headache induced by acute substance use or exposure Headache induced by chronic substance use or exposure Headache from substance withdrawal (acute use) Headache from substance withdrawal (chronic use) 9. Headache associated with noncephalic infection Viral infection Bacterial infection Other infection 10. Headache associated with metabolic disorder Hypoxia Hypercapnia Mixed hypoxia and hypercapnia Hypoglycemia Dialysis Other metabolic abnormality 11. Headache or facial pain associated with disorder of facial or cranial structures Cranial bone Eyes Ears Nose and sinuses Teeth, jaws, and related structures Temporomandibular joint disease 12. Cranial neuralgias, nerve trunk pain, and deafferentation pain Persistent (in contrast to ticlike) pain of cranial nerve origin Trigeminal neuralgia Glossopharyngeal neuralgia Nervus intermedius neuralgia Superior laryngeal neuralgia Occipital neuralgia Central causes of head and facial pain other than tic douloureux 13. Headache not classifiable unilateral, worse with activity; associated with photophobia, phonophobia, multiple attacks. General principles of pharmacologic treatment: (1) response rates vary from 60 90%; (2) initial drug choice is empirical- influenced by patient age, coexisting illnesses, and side effect profile; (3) efficacy of prophylactic treatment may take several months to assess with each drug; (4) when an acute attack requires additional medication 60 min after the first dose, then the initial drug dose should be increased for subsequent attacks. Triptans are widely used also, but recurrence of head pain after the first dose (40 78%) is a major limitation. For prophylaxis, amitriptyline is a good first choice for young people with difficulty falling asleep; verapamil is often a first choice for prophylaxis in the elderly. Table 34-3 Symptoms of Serious Underlying Causes of Headache Cause Symptoms Meningitis Intracranial hemorrhage Brain tumor Temporal arteritis Glaucoma Nuchal rigidity, headache, photophobia, and prostration; may not be febrile. May present with prostrating pounding headaches that are associated with nausea and vomiting. Should be suspected in progressively severe new "migraine" that is invariably unilateral. Onset generally in older patients (50 years) and frequently associated with visual changes. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is the best screening test and is usually markedly elevated. Cluster Headache Characterized by episodes of recurrent, nocturnal, unilateral, retroorbital searing pain. Typically, a young male (90%) awakens 2 4 h after sleep onset with severe pain, unilateral lacrimation, and nasal and conjunctival congestion. Diurnal periodicity (recurrent pain during the same hour each day of the cluster) occurs in 85%. Prophylaxis with lithium (600 900 mg qd) or prednisone (60 mg for 7 days followed by a rapid taper). Other Headaches Post-Concussion Headache Common following motor vehicle collisions, other head trauma; severe injury or loss of consciousness often not present. Cough Headache Transient severe head pain with coughing, bending, lifting, sneezing, or stooping; lasts from seconds to several minutes; men women.
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