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By: F. Yorik, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Professor, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

Nerium oleander is a perennial bush native to the Mediterranean region and Asia but now is common in all tropical and subtropical regions of the world allergy testing dogs blood purchase 10 mg claritin with mastercard. In Colombia it is cultivated as an ornamental for its colourful flowers allergy eats purchase claritin 10mg otc, which can be white, pink, yellow, or red. All parts of the plant contain cardiac glycosides with oleandrin being the most abundant. Toxicosis has occurred in horses and cattle usually due to contamination of pastures with plant clippings from N. This plant contains cardenolide cardiac glycosides, primarily thevetin A and thevetin B, especially in the seeds (Roberts et al. There are reports of human toxicosis caused by this plant, generally associated with the intake of the seeds. Intake of one or two seeds causes gastrointestinal symptoms, and intake of three or four seeds affects the heart and may cause death (Roberts et al. Asclepias curassavica is a plant native to the Caribbean but now is commonly found in Colombia at elevations up to 1,600 m. Even though the plant is not palatable for herbivores, it has been associated with sporadic cases of toxicosis in cattle. Hepatotoxic Plants the main hepatotoxic plants present in Colombia affect the liver by causing either hepatocellular necrosis or intrahepatic cholestasis. Compounds in plants known to cause intrahepatic cholestasis are the lantadenes from Lantana spp. All hepatotoxins may cause secondary photosensitization in ruminants due to an alteration in the metabolism of 5 Diaz: Toxic Plants of Colombia chlorophyll leading to skin damage when ruminants are exposed to the sun. Among the Asteraceae family (formerly known as Compositae) the most important hepatotoxic genera are Senecio and Eupatorium. There are no reports of toxicosis in animals caused by this plant; however, Senecio formosus has caused irreversible hepatic damage in human patients who ingested infusions made with its dry leaves. Senecio madagascariensis is an annual or perennial herb native to South Africa reported for the first time in Colombia in the 1980s. The cause of this sudden death syndrome is unknown, but it is possible that the metabolic changes associated with parturition and the onset of lactation pose an extra load to a liver that has been severely affected by the chronic ingestion of the plant. However, the toxicological with plants from Australia or Hawaii although the concentration was lower. Major pyrrolizidine alkaloid-producing plants reported in Colombia Family Latin name Common name Asteraceae Eupatorium spp. However, no information on the toxic components of the plant or its effects in animals or humans was provided. These plants grow as weeds in well-fertilized soils used to grow corn, sorghum, or soybeans, and their seeds may contaminate these agricultural crops. At least 19 species of Crotalaria are present in Colombia (Bernal 1986) and some are recognized as toxic, including C. Crotalaria poisoning in Colombia has been reported in pigs, goats, laying hens, and broiler chickens. In 2001 large losses were caused to the poultry and pig industry when sorghum grain contaminated with C. A total of 13 genera of this family have been reported in Colombia, including the toxic genera Heliotropium, Symphytum, and Cynoglossum (Barajas-Meneses et al. The Heliotropium genus is represented by at least 9 species, which are widely distributed from 0 to 3,200 m above sea level (Barajas-Meneses et al.

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The biosocial nature of malnutrition and psychosocial retardation has been presented in other sections allergy gold generic claritin 10mg on-line. Animal studies indicate that cerebral oxygen deprivation during the perinatal period produces brain damage and later deficits in learning allergy partners asheville 10mg claritin. Although anoxic infants appear impaired during the first days of life on measures of maturation, visual responsiveness, irritability, muscle tension, and pain threshold and continue to show some adverse cognitive and neurological effects at 3 years of age, by age 7 they perform as well as nonanoxic. The nature of the postnatal environment is an important determinant in the learning status of these children at school age. Parental attitudes and caretaking approaches are not likely to be distorted in these families, because in many instances the parents may be unaware of any asphyxia in the infant and prolonged hospitalization is seldom prescribed. The correlates of low social class, however, tend to be operative, so that children of disadvantaged homes are more likely to show long-term cognitive deficits than are similar children in middle-class homes. The biosocial components relating prematurity to mental retar- Typology 69 dation provide a classical example of the interactional effects of perinatal hazards in the subsequent quality of life experiences. The causes of prematurity are varied and complex, and outcomes vary according to whether the infant is small for gestational age or full term of low birthweight. Infants born very prematurely (under 28 weeks) or of very low birthweight (under 1,500 grams) have a high incidence of neurological sequelae. The overwhelming majority of premature infants, however, are delivered later in gestation and range in weight from 1,500 to 2,500 grams. Epidemiological studies consistently show a strong socialclass relationship among children in this category who demonstrate mental retardation or learning disabilities. A stimulating environment can apparently compensate for the early deficits of the immature organism; for disadvantaged children, the impact of biological and social factors are additive. The observed relationship of demographic variables and prematurity to mental retardation should not obscure variations in the microenvironment within social classes. If these are not appropriately resolved, the resulting social climate may prove noncom pensatory. Social-status variables play an important role in modulating the effects of other complications of pregnancy as well. Aberrations in newborn behavior, associated with less severe symptoms of neurological disorder, have very limited utility in predicting later problems in adaptation. Conversely, infants who suffer perinatal complications generally show little, if any, later effects if they are members of advantaged families. Thus, the hypothesized relationship between early trauma and late deviancy must be modified by a careful consideration of intervening experiential factors. The quality of caretaking in these cases has a stronger influence on the causes of development than does perinatal history. The proper classification of some forms of mental retardation 70 Classification in Mental Retardation requires, therefore, a biosocial perspective to improve diagnoses and to establish a sounder basis for prescriptive treatment. The multiaxial classification system described in this classification system and the introduction of criteria for assessing the social milieu of retarded persons are efforts to accomplish this goal. Unlike many forms of biological defect in which a single causitive agent can be identified, this form of mental retardation appears to involve several sets of interactive factors, none sufficient in themselves to account for the intellectual and behavioral deficits manifested. The involved individuals come from environ ments that are psychologically, socially, and economically impoverished. Housing and hygiene are poor, nutrition and medical care inadequate, and infectious diseases common. One or more of the parents and other children in the family evidence mentally subaverage performance. Among the several sets of factors identified for their possible etiological significance, genetic factors have been historically assigned a crucial role and at one point generated a widespread sense of eugenic alarm. The polygenic model of inheritance, put forth to explain the concentration of retarded persons in the lower classes and among minority groups, enjoys less currency today. Largely, this stems from our growing awareness of the effects of early stimulation and strategies of environmental enrichment.

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For instance food allergy testing zurich buy discount claritin 10 mg, a patient with schizophrenia who is halluci nating and delusional allergy treatment emergency buy claritin 10 mg online, but who also abuses substances, cannot participate in substance abuse treatment without adequate control over the psychosis. Likewise, patients with mania who are euphoric and delusional, patients who are depressed, or patients with agoraphobia who also have a substance use disorder, will have difficulty cooperating with substance abuse treatment. Treatment of the substance use disorder is necessary to improve the course of both the substance abuse and cooccurring mental disorder. Psychotherapy should serve as one aspect of rehabilitation, initially focused around relapse prevention (Aviram et al. Highly effective treatment programs may include a combination of therapeutic tech niques. Drake and col leagues (2001) suggest that treatment for co occurring substance use and other mental dis orders include skill building, illness manage ment, cultural sensitivity, and support to patients for the pursuit of practical goals. Limitations of pharmacologi cal agents in persons with substance dependence Pharmacologic agents have limitations in the population of persons with substance use dis 137 orders. Clinicians treating substance use disorders advocate that clients need clear thinking and access to emotions in order to make fundamental changes in themselves. A person recovering from a substance use disorder must take an active part in changing attitudes and aban doning a longheld belief that alcohol or other drugs can "treat" life problems and uncom fortable psychological states. Still, many psychiatric disorders, if untreated, result in mood, anxiety, or thought disorders that prevent or retard the behav ioral changes necessary to recover from sub stance use disorders. Untreated anxiety, mood, or thought disor ders can be powerful relapse triggers, espe cially for people with a longstanding pattern of relying on alcohol or other drugs to man age their symptoms. In many instances, the benefits and reduced relapse risk that appro priate pharmacotherapy can provide far out weighs the risk of taking medications. Some clinicians believe that the "no pain, no gain" approach has far greater risk of interfering with recovery than of promoting it. Symptoms such as anxiety and depression in persons recovering from substance use disorders might be vital to recovery, and pharma cotherapy to treat such symptoms needs to be considered carefully in this context. Clinically, anxiety and depression can pro vide the motivation to change when the patient otherwise has little awareness of the need to alter behavior. Standard of Care for CoOccurring Psychiatric Conditions After detoxification and stabilization with pharmacologic agents, the current treatment of choice for substance use disorders is non pharmacologic. Further, several studies have shown that treating substance use disorders with abstinence alone results in improvement of the psychiatric syndromes associated with the substance use (Anderson and Kiefer 2004). Severe syndromes induced by alcohol that may otherwise meet criteria for major depressive and anxiety disorders are best classified as substanceinduced disorders if they resolve within days to weeks with absti nence. Likewise, manic syndromes induced by cocaine resolve within hours to days, and schizophrenialike syndromes. Further studies are needed to confirm the clinical experience that psychiatric symptoms (including anxiety, depression, and personali ty disorders) respond to specific treatment of the addiction. Although challenging, treatment of both addiction and cooccurring psychiatric conditions has proven costeffec tive in some studies (Goldsmith 1999). Psychotropics for CoOccurring Psychiatric Conditions General aspects Because alcohol and other drugs can induce almost any psychiatric symptom or sign or mimic any psychiatric disorder, their effects always must be considered before a cooccur ring condition diagnosis is established or treated. The use of medications for psychiatric symptoms should begin only after the knowledge of the natural history of the addictive disorder and other psychiatric disorders is clarified. Further, it is important to be able to identify the respective roles of substance use and other mental disorders in the generation of psychiatric symptoms. Generally, substanceinduced psychiatric symptoms resolve within days to weeks of abstinence. In many studies, the prevalence rates for anxiety and affective disorders in persons dependent on alcohol were not greater than those for persons not dependent on alcohol (Schneider et al. A retrospective history of psychiatric symp toms often can lead to an inflated diagnosis of these conditions because of rationalizations regarding drinking and drug use by the indi vidual.

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