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By: Z. Basir, M.A.S., M.D.

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Whenever you change the suffix erectile dysfunction drugs for heart patients order 160 mg super viagra amex, you alter the meaning of the word to which it is attached erectile dysfunction doctor boca raton purchase discount super viagra. The following guidelines pertain to the building and spelling of medical words: 1. If the suffix begins with a vowel, drop the combining vowel from the combining form and add the suffix. For example: gastr/o (stomach) + -oma (tumor) becomes gastroma when we drop the o from gastro. If the suffix begins with a consonant, keep the combining vowel and add the suffix to the combining form. For example: lip/o (fat) + -lysis (destruction) becomes lipolysis and we keep the o on the combining form lipo. For example: electro (electricity) + cardio (heart) + -gram (record) becomes electrocardiogram and we keep the two combining vowels. Helpful Tip: When giving the meaning of the word or reading its definition, you usually begin with the meaning of the suffix. Examples: gastr/oma is a tumor of the stomach; lip/o/lysis is the destruction of fat; electr/o/cardi/o/gram is a record of the electrical activity of the heart. General Use Suffixes ­ suffixes, when written, are all preceded by a hyphen (-) to signify that they are to be linked to the end of a root or combining form. Selected Suffixes for General Use Meaning Suffix -algesia condition of pain -ant forming -ase enzyme -ate use, action -blast immature cell, germ cell -cide to kill -crit to separate -cuspid point -cyst bladder, sac -cyte cell -dipsia thirst -drome a course -er relating to , one who -gen formation, produce -genesis formation, produce -ide having a particular quality -ive nature of, quality of -liter liter -logy study of -lymph clear fluid, serum, pale fluid -or one who, a doer -phil attraction -stasis control, stop, stand still -therapy treatment -thermy heat -um tissue, structure -uria urination, condition of urine Grammatical Suffixes ­ those suffixes that may be attached to a word root to form a part of speech, especially a noun or adjective, or to make a medical word singular or plural in its form. They are also used to indicate a diminutive form of a word that specifies a smaller version of the object indicated by the word root. Adjective Suffixes That Mean Pertaining To Suffix Definition -ac pertaining to -ad pertaining to -al pertaining to -ar pertaining to -ary pertaining to B. Suffixes That Have More Than One Meaning -­ these suffixes have more than one meaning, thereby making it a little more difficult when defining medical terms to which they are attached. Selected Suffixes That Have More Than One Meaning Suffix Meaning -ate use, action, having the form of, possessing -blast immature cell, germ cell, embryonic cell -ectasis dilatation, dilation, distention, stretching, expansion -gen formation, produce -genesis formation, produce -genic formation, produce -gram a weight, mark, record -ive nature of, quality of -lymph serum, clear fluid, pale fluid -lysis destruction, separation, breakdown, loosening, dissolution -penia -plasm -plegia -ptosis -rrhea -scopy -spasm -staxis -trophy -y D. Selected Suffixes That Pertain to Pathological Conditions Meaning Suffix -algia pain, ache -asthenia weakness -betes to go -cele hernia, tumor, swelling -cusis hearing -derma skin -dynia pain, ache -ectasis dilation, distention -edema swelling -emesis vomiting -ion process -itis inflammation -kinesis motion -lepsy seizure -lexia diction, word, phrase -malacia softening -mania madness -megaly enlargement, large -mnesia memory -noia mind -oid resemble -oma tumor -opia sight, vision -oxia oxygen -pathy disease, emotion -penia deficiency -pepsia -phagia -phasia -phobia -plasia -plasm -plegia -pnea -ptosis -ptysis -rrhage -rrhea -rrhexis -spasm -trophy E. Medical Words and Definitions ­ this section provides the foundation for learning medical terminology. Suffixes (S) By connecting various word parts in an organized sequence, thousands of words can be built and learned. In the text, the word list is alphabetized so one can see the variety of meanings created when common prefixes and suffixes are repeatedly applied to certain word roots and/or combining forms. Words shown in pink are additional words related to the content of this chapter that have not been divided into word parts. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Because of the rapid advances in the medical sciences, the publisher recommends that there should be independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Classification of chronic pain: descriptions of chronic pain syndromes and definitions of pain terms / prepared by the International Association for the Study of Pain, Task Force on Taxonomy; editors, Harold Merskey, N. Spinal Pain, Section 1: Spinal and Radicular Pain Syndromes Note on Arrangements Definitions of Spinal Pain and Related Phenomena Principles Radicular Pain and Radiculopathy D. Spinal Pain, Section 2: Spinal and Radicular Pain Syndromes of the Cervical and Thoracic Regions E. Local Syndromes of the Upper Limbs and Relatively Generalized Syndromes of the Upper and Lower Limbs F. Spinal Pain, Section 3: Spinal and Radicular Pain Syndromes of the Lumbar, Sacral, and Coccygeal Regions H. Visceral Pain in the Neck vii ix xvi xvi 1 3 5 6 8 11 11 11 14 15 17 23 25 29 36 37 38 39 39 59 59 68 72 77 90 93 93 98 v C. In the third part, the opportunity has been taken now, as before, to present some definitions of pain terms that were published previously in Pain and revised in 1986. Two new terms have been added to these definitions- Neuropathic Pain and Peripheral Neuropathic Pain- and the definition of Central Pain has been altered accordingly. The list of those who have contributed with drafts or with revisions of drafts precedes this introduction.

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He was grabbed by gunmen on December 5 erectile dysfunction by country order cheap super viagra, 2005 erectile dysfunction ed drugs buy online super viagra, the day after his pictures were published worldwide. Musharraf ordered an investigation, in this case by High Court Justice Mohammed Reza Khan. While those journalists remaining in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas have become a major source for news on fatalities from U. Many local journalists have left the profession or report on only the most benign topics. Fearing for their safety, most have asked that their individual cases go unpublicized. Waqar Kiani, 32, who in the past had been a local correspondent for the British newspaper e Guardian, survived two assaults before resolving to leave Pakistan. In 2008, he was abducted in Islamabad by suspected 143 Attacks on the Press in 2011 intelligence agents, blindfolded, beaten, and burned with cigarettes. His ordeal ended 15 hours later when he was dumped 120 miles (180 kilometers) outside the city. Traumatized, Kiani continued to freelance, telling only his closest friends and colleagues of the ordeal. But after Islamabad Senior Superintendent of Police Tahir Alam said preliminary investigations showed that police were not involved in the attack, the investigations stopped. Kiani lowered his profile as a journalist and with the help of e Guardian, he left the country for a few months, waiting for the threat to fade. Temporarily separated from his family, he was seeking asylum in a European country in late year. He fled Pakistan because of military action in his native Baluchistan province, where secessionist groups battle each other and the Pakistani military, and where his exposure of military abuses would, he believed, make him a target. Sometimes it is impossible to narrow down who may be responsible because of the sheer number of potential culprits. On May 10, about 700 miles (1,100 kilometers) due north of Karachi, in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas along the border with Afghanistan, Nasrullah Khan Afridi was killed when his car exploded in a crowded market in Peshawar. No one knows whom to blame for the targeted killing of this prominent regional reporter who worked for Pakistan Television and the Urdu-language Mashreq. Exile is lled with hardship, says one journalist, but no story is worth dying for. Although he later returned to work, he faced ongoing threats that forced him to switch beats. But after four witnesses to the killing were shot and killed, as well as the brother of the police officer leading the investigation, the case went fallow. So far his government has taken no action, in some cases because it apparently chooses not to , in others because it has no control over the actors. But the milieu in which Zardari rules and journalists operate is reeling out of control. A May report from the Center for Strategic International Studies identified 2,113 terrorist attacks, 369 clashes between the security services and militants, 260 operational attacks by the security forces, 135 U. With violence at a high level, special investigations proving fruitless, and an ineffective, impotent government unable or unwilling to protect them, Pakistani journalists have come to realize they must act on their own. Haroon, who is chief executive of Dawn Media Group along with heading the All Pakistan Newspapers Society, led a conversation about the creation of a press organization to monitor and compile data on anti-press attacks. Haroon wants to create a hub of experts and gather knowledge about the assaults, kidnappings, and murders of journalists over the years. Zaffar Abbas, the editor of Dawn, suggested that a similar model would work for members of the journalist community when threatened or in immediate danger. Amin Yousuf, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists secretary-general at the Karachi Press Club, said the union would be interested in working with such a group. Large and small, they are owned by strong-willed, successful businesspeople with For now, solutions will have to be found by people in the profession. For now, whatever solutions exist will have to be found by people in the profession. Among their many challenges will be confronting a government unable and unwilling to stand up for a free press.

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The responses to these items were then summed together to form an additive scale of antisocial personality symptoms (alpha= erectile dysfunction incidence age discount super viagra 160 mg. The interrelationships among these four different scales were then analyzed and results demonstrated moderate inter-scale correlations erectile dysfunction doctor dallas buy super viagra overnight. Additional model-fitting techniques revealed that a common factor accounted for the four antisocial behavior measures. As a result a composite index was created by summing together scores for these four scales. Physical maltreatment was measured by using behavioral observations, parental reports, and retrospective reports reported on by Dunedin participants. At the age 3 assessment, independent observers watched the mother and the child interact. Observers who indicated that the mother engaged in two or more of these negative actions were characterized as rejecting their child. Second, at the age 7 and age 9 interviews, parents were presented with a checklist of disciplinary behaviors, including items that tapped physical punishment. Parents who were in the top ten percent of on this scale were coded as unusually harsh disciplinarians. Those children who had more than two primary caregivers were classified as having suffered disruptive caregiver changes. Fourth, at the age 26 assessment, study members completed a retrospective questionnaire asking about incidents of physical abuse occurring before the age of 11. Finally, during the age 26 interviews, Dunedin participants were asked about unwanted sexual abuse. Based on this information, study members were grouped as either having been sexually abused or not having been sexually abused. A cumulative physical maltreatment scale was created by adding the number of maltreatment experiences together. Their sample consisted of 514 white males who were participants in the Virginia Study for Adolescent Behavioral Development. The child, their mother, and their father were presented with a series of symptoms that indexed antisocial behavior. If any of the respondents responded affirmatively to these items, then the child was rated as having this symptom. This scale indexed three different dimensions of the family environment: parental neglect, exposure to parental violence, and inconsistent parental discipline. The results of their multivariate equations revealed that the childhood adversity measure exerted a significant main effect on conduct problems. To provide a 6 Detailed information about the items used, or the number of symptoms needed in order to be considered conduct disordered, were not provided. Three different scales tapping antisocial behaviors were included as dependent variables in the analysis. The conduct problems scale included items indexing frequency of fighting, violence, and delinquency. The conduct problems scale were calculated for each of the three waves of data and averaged together. Second, a binary measure of violent offending was also used as an outcome measure (details about the scale were not presented). They also created a composite antisocial index by including a scaled version of the conduct problems scale and items related to violent convictions. Study members were presented with a list of items that indexed abuse and neglect. Responses to these items were then added together to form a global measure of childhood maltreatment. The results revealed that the childhood maltreatment scale had a statistically significant effect on the conduct problems scale (b=. Although there was an insignificant trend in the predicted direction, the results of the study conducted by Haberstick et al. GxEs, however, do not provide any insight into how genotypes may be partially responsible for nudging a person into a particular environment. To understand and explain why certain genotypes are closely related to , and reinforced by, given environments another type of gene-environment interplay-gene X environment correlations-will be discussed.

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  • Radiation -- If you received radiation therapy as a child or young adult to treat cancer of the chest area, you have a very high risk of developing breast cancer. The younger you started such radiation and the higher the dose, the higher your risk. This is especially true if the radiation was given during breast development.
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At a concentration of 90 µg/assay erectile dysfunction medication reviews buy cheap super viagra online, the extract enhanced [3H]-muscimol-specific binding by 115% erectile dysfunction pills viagra purchase super viagra no prescription, while 160 g/ assay of the extract exerted a 50% inhibition of the specific binding of [3H]-muscimol. The incidences of neoplastic lesions of the fore stomach (papillomas and squamous cell carcinomas) also showed a tendency to decrease in the animals that received treatment with the extract. The results suggest that the extract exerts an inhibitory effect on glandular stomach carcinogenesis in the rat (69). A crude 40% ethanol extract of Herba Chelidonii possessed marked cytotoxicity, suppressing the growth of the human lymphoblastoid Raji cells at concentrations of 10 and 50 µg/ml (71). Ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Herba Chelidonii were evaluated for their cytotoxic activity in the Artemia salina lethality bioassay using umbelliferone and colchicine as active substances. No cytotoxicity of the extracts was observed, and the results indicate the safety of Herba Chelidonii for its traditional uses (72). Toxicology No harmful or toxic effects from therapeutic doses have been reported in rodent models. Intraperitoneal administration of 350 mg/kg bw of a methanol extract of the herb to mice for 7 days resulted in a 20% mortality rate (60). The median lethal intraperitoneal dose for chelidonine was 1300 mg/ kg bw in mice and 2000 mg/kg bw in rats. Sublethal doses of chelidonine induced sedation, ptosis, tremor and decreased body temperature (73). The methanol and aqueous extracts of Herba Chelidonii were examined for acute oral toxicity in mice. Oral administration of 5 mg/kg bw of sanguinarine and chelerythrine (3:1) to pigs for 90 days did not result in any histological or biochemical changes (75). The alkaloids sanguinarine and chelerythrine, present in low concentrations in the herb, are known to cause hepatotoxicity in rats. Intraperitoneal administration to rats of 10 mg/kg bw of sanguinarine or chelerythrine induced hepatic cell injury and increased alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activities by 50 and 100%, respectively. Investigation of extracts of the herb, as well as of the individual alkaloids, coptisine, chelidonine, protopine, chelerythrine and sanguinarine, in primary rat hepatocytes indicated a direct correlation between the alkaloid content of the extract and hepatotoxicity. The mean hepatotoxic concentration for the extracts was 5 mg/ml, for sanguinarine 5 µg/ml, and chelerythrine 8 µg/ml. Clinical pharmacology A prospective observational study involving 608 patients treated orally with an aqueous-ethanol extract of the crude drug (5­7:1, mean daily dose 375­500 mg extract, corresponding to 9­12 mg of total alkaloids) has been reported. After an average of 22 days of treatment, symptoms (dyspepsia or cramps in the upper gastrointestinal tract) were reduced in most patients and the outcome was assessed as good or very good in 87. After 6 weeks of treatment, 60% of the treated patients and 27% of the placebo group were considered to be responders (p = 0. The treatment reduced symptoms, such as stomach ache, bile-related complaints, flatulence, nausea and bloating (56). Adverse reactions Excessive ingestion of the decoction of the crude drug may cause nausea and other gastrointestinal symptoms (60). In rare cases, hepatic inflammation and an increase in liver enzyme activity and serum bilirubin have been reported, all of which are reversible following discontinuation of therapy (78). A case of contact dermatitis was described after external use of the aerial parts of the plant (79). Ten cases of acute hepatitis induced by preparations of the crude drug have been noted. Marked cholestasis was observed in five patients, but liver failure did not occur. Other possible causes of liver disease were excluded by laboratory tests and imaging procedures, and liver biopsy specimens were consistent with drug-induced damage. After discontinuation of therapy, rapid recovery was observed in all patients and liver enzyme levels returned to normal in 2­5 months (80). One case of haemolytic anaemia after oral ingestion of an extract of crude drug was reported. Presentation included liver cytolysis, thrombocytopaenia, renal failure and intravascular haemolysis. The patient was treated with steroids, red cell and platelet transfusion and subjected twice to haemodialysis, with complete resolution of the clinical features by about the twelfth day (81). Cases of acute hepatitis after use of Herba Chelidonii preparations have been observed (82, 83).

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